Dear Families and Friends,
All being well, this will be the last weekly email using MailChimp. Instead, all emails and most messages will be sent through our new website and MarvellousMe app. If you think you've missed something, please check your Spam and Junk folders, and search for "Juniper", who now host our online media.

In other exciting news, our first PTA meeting led to the announcement of two important dates for your diaries. Firstly, we'll be holding discos on Thursday 17th October. Tickets are needed for these, so please see the flyers around school and below. We are also planning towards our Christmas Fayre, on Friday 6th December - straight after school. We will also be revealing our annual Christmas Windows on that day, earlier than in previous years, so that we can enjoy them for the whole of Advent.
Our new website will have all of these school and PTA dates available for you to check with and even subscribe to, so make sure you take a look when we go "live" later this week.
Before all of this, we will be considering our Harvest-time at St Bart's. In the coming weeks, we will be spending time thinking about all of the good things that we have, and being grateful for them. We will also be supporting The BAY Foodbank once again and information about this will be sent home in the coming days. Any donations will be gratefully received.
For the parents of Nursery and Reception children, there will be a coffee morning on Friday 4th October in our Community Room. Members of St Bart's church congregation will be running this. Please pop in for a cuppa and some cake straight after drop-off. It will be a great way to start your Friday this coming week.
Yours sincerely,
Mr. Restall & The St Bart's Team