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  • Awarding Success



    House System

    Every child from Reception to Year 6 is placed in one of our Houses. Each house is named after a key figure from our school's long history (see Our History) and has an associated colour.

    They are:

    • Addison (Red - named after Thomas Addison, a famous ex-pupil.)
    • Rutter (Blue - named after Thomas Rutter, our original schoolmaster.)
    • Stephenson (Green - named after Robert Stephenson, another famous ex-pupil.)

    House Points are awarded to children for attitude and effort, to those who demonstrate our core values in action.  They are also used for friendly inter-house competitions through the year.

    Each coloured House Point is placed in a collection box in classrooms and trusted Year 6 monitors count these each Friday lunchtime. That week's winning House is announced at the end of our Friday Achievement Assembly and awarded the House Cup. A running total of the points awarded through the year is also displayed in the school hall and a special award is given to the overall winning House at the end of the Summer term.  Extra points can also be gained by each house during Sports' Day (which has its own special winning trophy!)

    Golden Book

    Each week, class teachers choose a pupil who has achieved something significant for them and their name is written in the Golden Book.  These children's names are also announced in Friday's Achievement Assembly and the teacher explains to the whole school why that child has been chosen.  A special certificate is also awarded for the children to take home and share with their families.

    Out of School Awards

    We recognise that many children are involved in all sorts of activities outside of school time.  If they have been awarded a certificate or trophy, these may also be presented at the start of our Achievement Assembly.  These are brought to school on a Friday morning and handed to Mr Restall for presenting later in the day.  Examples of the type of award include certificates for swimming or dance, musical instrument exams, sporting trophies etc.