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  • Class 3 in action

    Spring 2 - Week 4

    Ended the day with a kahoot quiz. As you can see, tensions were running high!

    In maths today, we used laptops to play a fractions game. The children were fantastic at this and really enjoyed it. This is a great resource, and can be used at home, information as to how to access this at home will be given with this week's homework.

    Spring 2 - Week 3

    In Science, we carried out an investigation exploring how objects being transparent, translucent or opaque effected a shadow being formed.

    We are thoroughly enjoying playing the keyboard, in Music!

    We are continuing to compare Brazil with England, in Geography, this week our focus was landmarks. We compared Christ the Redeemer to The Angel of the North. After exploring this, we turned our hand at making these landmarks, out of clay.

    In art, we've started looking at 'A tiger in a tropical storm' by Henri Rousseau, linking to our current topic. We sketched out the main features of the painting to ensure we had the scale correct, before starting to paint.

    Spring 2 - Week 2

    Spoiler alert! Some of our fantastic Mother's Day cards.

    Would you like an apple?

    Would you like an apple?

    World book day! We joined the children in nursery to enjoy (and share), a book.

    Those of us who weren't in choir, joined some year 6's and 2's in using the apparatus. We had a great time!

    Spring 2 - Week 1

    This week we've created some amazing two page spreads, comparing The River Tyne to The Amazon River. The children worked so hard and created some impressive work. 

    Pictures to follow.

    Spring 1 - Week 6

    Our new artist this week was Frida Kahlo. We all enjoyed drawing her and incorporating the leaves and animals that often appeared in the background.

    Our new artist this week was Frida Kahlo.

    We were feeling the love creating our valentine's day cards.

    Spring 1 - Week 5

    In music, we wrote our own rhythm and practised it using an instrument of our choosing.

    In art, we are continuing to look at how artists draw people. We've moved on from Lowry and revisited Picasso, exploring how their interpretations and styles differ. We used pastels to add a pop of colour to our artwork.

    In science, we finished off our animals (including humans) topic by looking at our muscles. We made these models of an arm so we could see how the muscles stretch and contract as they move.

    Spring 1 - Week 4

    In PSHE, we've been thinking about how we keep ourselves safe. We worked in small groups to create a piece of drama to highlight one of these areas. The children thought of everything from being safe in the kitchen, to be out in a car, to online safety. Pictured here, was the final performance from each group. We were very impressed!

    Spring 1 - Week 3

    This half-term, in R.E., we're looking at the story of Noah. Today, we thought about what kind of man Noah was, which provided a great opportunity to use a thesaurus to find some synonyms.

    Spring 1 - Week 2

    In PSHE, we've started to look at how to stay safe. Today, we worked, in groups, to choose one way of staying safe, and produce a drama piece. Performance pending...

    Making rhythms using names, with Mrs West.

    Spring 1 - Week 1

    In art, we're looking at perspective drawing. We've started to create a farmyard drawing, which links to our new class novel, The Sheep-Pig.

    In Geography, we looked at what countries make up The United Kingdom and Great Britain. We then used atlases to find cities within the UK.

    Autumn 2 - Week 7

    A selection of our finished Christmas cards, ready to be delivered.

    Christmas party day! We played lots of games, danced, ate snacks and had so much fun. Here you can see our candy cane scavenger hunt in action.

    The making of our first Christmas card is well underway!

    Autumn 2 - Week 6

    A fun-filled week full of rehearsals, shows and finally, the unveiling of our Christmas window. This year's theme: Mickey's once upon a Christmas.

    Autumn 2 - Week 5

    A successful trip to The Great North Museum: Hancock. The children had a great time and loved exploring the exhibitions.

    Autumn 2 - Week 4

    A little snow to finish off our week, including a snowman building competition!

    A little chill amongst our rehearsals today.

    Autumn 2 - Week 3

    We worked in small groups to create Ancient Egyptian themed board games.

    In R.E., we looked at Diwali and created our own rangoli patterns.

    Autumn 2 - Week 2

    We also designed our own sarcophaguses. The children worked really hard to incorporate lots of detail. I know they will look fabulous when they're finished.

    We had some mummies in class 3 today!

    Autumn 2 - Week 1

    In history this week we've looked at the process of mummification. A vital part of this, is using Canopic jars to store organs. We created our own Canopic jars, choosing different animals. In art, we drew them and used pastels to colour - thinking about shade, patterns and blending.

    In PSHE, we explored what community means. We thought about the different communities we are part of e.g. church and school. We thought about all of the different people within these communities and their roles within.

    Our first rehearsal with Michael! We had so much fun being creative and mastered some tricky partner work, quickly! Very excited to see what's to come next...

    On Monday, we looked at creating questions to ask Flat Stanley. We then took it in turns to 'hot seat' and answer those questions, as if we were Flat Stanley.

    Autumn 1 - Week 8

    In art, we looked at proportions when drawing faces. We applied this, and sketched the face of a Pharaoh using ancient Egyptian statues as a reference

    This week, in English were looking at Blurb's. After looking at the features of a blurb, we completed a matching task, which blurb matches the front cover?

    Autumn 1 - Week 7

    In PSHE, we've explored 'What makes a good friend?'

    Our silhouette camel pictures are complete!

    Autumn 1 - Week 6

    Using 6 counters and a place value grid. How many numbers could we make?

    Our first Road Safety outing today. The children listened carefully, and worked hard to observe their surroundings.

    Autumn 1 - Week 5

    In art, we've explored paint mixing to change the shade and tint of colours. We used this knowledge to create an ombre sunset effect, focusing carefully on blending. We've also practised sketching camels, to use as a silhouette. Next week we will piece together these skills to finish our artwork.

    On Wednesday, we worked on our independent research skills to explore specific elements of the daily life of the Ancient Egyptians, that interested us. We created our first two page spread (non-chronological report). Finally, we shared these with class two, also looking at their two page spreads, on Florence Nightingale.Today we looked at representing numbers to 1,000, using concrete apparatus.

    Today we looked at representing numbers to 1,000, using concrete apparatus.

    Autumn 1 - Week 4

    In R.E., we made houses out of Lego with no instructions. We then thought about how God has shown us his instructions to care for his creations, in the bible, and how we can do this in our daily lives.

    Autumn 1 - Week 3

    Music with Mrs West.

    Working on our ABC's in P.E.

    Focusing on our chronological knowledge, of historical events, in history today.

    Autumn 1 - Week 2

    In geography, we used an atlas to explore the seven continent's - looking closely at Africa and then Egypt.

    In R.E., we explored God's creations, focusing particularly on nature. We then used materials we collected, to create representations of what we love in nature.

    We also looked at Antoni Gaudi, exploring his use of the Trencadís technique. We created our own pieces of art, using this technique, with different materials.

    On Monday, as part of our whole school Spanish day, we looked at how to say colours in Spanish. We also played a matching pairs game, it was great fun!

    Autumn 1 - Week 1

    We've had a great week settling into class 3, with lots of PSHE activities, art and creative writing!