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  • Homework

    Welcome to the Homework Page!


    Each week the children will be given a sheet of Maths homework to complete. This will be given out on a Thursday and expected to be returned by the following Thursday. 


    Children have been given a login for the website Numbots. This is a great website for children to develop their understanding and confidence with numbers. We encourage children to have a go at home as they will be rewarded with certificates as they progress through the levels.


    Reading is an important aspect of learning, and we encourage the children to read as often as possible at home and at school.

    Each week the children will take home a library book chosen from our books in class. This is a book which an adult can read to them however we encourage children to have a go at recognising some of the words, have a go at reading parts themselves and talk about the story.

    During the week, children will have three group reading sessions with a school adult. At the end of the week, these books will be uploaded online for your children to read at home. Please see the Parent Guide below for instructions on how to log on.

    Summer 2 Homework

    Homework Week 1 - Please return by Thursday 13th June

    Homework Week 2 - Please return by Thursday 20th June

    Homework Week 3 - Please return by Thursday 27th June

    Homework Week 4 - Please return by Thursday 4th July

    Homework Week 5 - Please return by Thursday 11th July

    Summer 1 Homework

    Homework Week 1 - Please return by Thursday 25th April

    Homework Week 2 - Please return by Thursday 2nd May

    Homework Week 3 - Please return by Thursday 9th May

    Homework Week 5 - Please return by Thursday 23rd May

    Spring 2 Homework

    Homework Week 1 - Please return by Thursday 7th March

    Homework Week 2 - Please return by Thursday 14th March

    Homework Week 3 - Please return by Thursday 21st March

    Homework Week 4 - Please return by Thursday 28th March

    Spring 1 Homework

    Homework Week 1 - Please return by Thursday 18th January

    Homework Week 2 - Please return by Thursday 25th January

    Homework Week 3 - Please return by Thursday 2nd February

    Homework Week 4 - Please return by Thursday 8th February

    Homework Week 5 - Please return by Thursday 15th February

    Homework Week 6 - Please return by Thursday 29th February

    Autumn 2 Homework

    Homework Week 1 - Please return by Thursday 16th November

    Homework Week 2 - Please return by Thursday 23rd November

    Homework Week 3 - Please return by Thursday 30th November

    Homework Week 4 - Please return by Thursday 7th December

    Homework Week 5 - Please return by Thursday 14th December

    Homework Week 6 - Please return by Thursday 21st December

    Autumn 1 Homework

    Homework Week 2 - Please return by Thursday 21st September

    Homework Week 3 - Please return by Thursday 28th September

    Homework Week 4 - Please return by Thursday 5th October

    Homework Week 5 - Please return by Thursday 12th October

    Homework Week 6 - Please return by Thursday 19th October