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    Year 1 have had lots of fun learning about Chinese new year and listening to the story of 'The swimming race' to discover why each animal was picked for the Chinese zodiac. They then completed lots of fun activities, such as making a Chinese lantern, tasting some Chinese food and learning how to write their name in Chinese! 



    This week, Year 1 have been using an atlas to identify and label the four countries of the United Kingdom on a map. They then discussed which country they live in. 



    This week, Year 1 have continued doing gymnastics in PE. They have enjoyed learning different jumps and rolls, including the egg roll, pencil roll and star jump. 



    This week, Year 1 have had so much fun completing lots of Christmas activities, from baking to Christmas crafts. They danced non-stop at the Christmas party and enjoyed some tasty food together. 



    Year 1 were very excited when Santa came to visit this afternoon!




    This week we carried out our investigation to find out which material would be best to make a tent for a teddy. The children built their tents and then used pipettes to drop water onto the materials. Year 1 found that the best material was plastic as it was the most waterproof!



    Year 1 have been using their scientific knowledge of materials to predict which material would be best to make a tent for a teddy. The most popular prediction was fabric!



    After looking at The Gunpowder Plot in history, the children found out why we have bonfire night each year on the 5th November. They then created their own firework paintings during art. 



    In English, we have been looking at the story 'The Gingerbread Man'. The children created their own designs and used adjectives to describe them. The children were then given their own gingerbread man to decorate. They all looked very tasty!



    We investigated our sense of taste this week. The children were given different jellies and had to guess what the taste was. It was tricky as each jelly had changed colour so the children had to rely on their taste buds and not their eyes. It was a lot of messy fun!



    In computing, children continue to practise and improve their key skills. They already seem a lot more confident at logging on using their own usernames and passwords, as well as being able to locate the correct program. Once logged on, the children had a go at creating pictures from our book this week, The Three Little Pigs. Can you guess what has been drawn?



    In Science, we have been learning about our senses. Today we investigated how good our sense of hearing is. The children were played twelve different sounds and they had to guess what was making each sound. Some were quite tricky!



    The children have been enjoying their music lessons, learning about the beat and the pulse. This week, they had a go at using different instruments, taking it in turns to play along to a song.