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    London's burning, London's burning!

    In English, we wrote our own instructions on how to make Gruffalo Crumble. Today, we followed a real recipe to make some delicious apple crumble. 



    In music, we celebrated Luna New Year! We went out into the Teaching Hall and participated in a dragon dance, singing the new songs Miss Anderson taught us!




    We have continued to explore money in maths. This week we had a go at comparing amounts, added pounds and pence and talked about which amount of money we would rather have!


    Creating a story map for the Julia Donaldson story 'Tiddler'.



    In music, we were introduced to the African Djembe. We watched a video of some traditional African music being played and then had a go at creating our own rhythms. 


    We began making our Tudor houses, following our designs in our art books. We are SO excited to set them on fire!




    What a busy first week back we have had! In maths, we continued to explore shapes and used a net to build our own 3D shapes.

    In English, we were introduced to our new story, Grandad's Island, and did lots of descriptive writing. 

    Before Christmas, we created our marble fire backgrounds, and today we made the silhouette of the Tudor houses from 1666! 



    What a fantastic first term we have had in year 2! Thank you for your continued support. We hope you have a wonderful Christmas, and we look forward to seeing you in the New Year.



    KS1 Performance of Bethlehem Ballroom was a huge success! Thank you for coming to watch and cheering us on.




    In Science, we have been investigating the importance of using soap when washing our hands. Today we conducted an experiment to see how far 'germs' can travel when we shake hands. We all made a prediction and then stood in a line and shook hands to see how far the germs would show up under ultraviolet light. We were shocked to find that they had passed all the way along the line of 30 children!



    This week has been full of Christmas crafting and performing! We have made a great start on our window display and have demonstrated great patience and perseverance to collage the larger pieces. Our performance is coming along nicely and the children have really impressed us with their singing and acting! 


    Developing our hand strength with a quick dough disco session! 


    Following on from last week, we planned and wrote our newspaper articles on the Great Fire of London. 



    In English, we began exploring newspaper articles. We looked at the features of an article and created a plan for next week when we will write our own report on the Great Fire of London. 




    Adding three 1-digit numbers in maths.






    In Design Technology we designed our own healthy cereal box before making our idea come to life! We also made our own cereal to go inside the box. We heard it was delicious! 







    We used all of our new learning alongside fact books to create a leaflet all about Mary Seacole.






    We had a fantastic visit to Longbenton Library. We listened to three lovely stories, decorated a leaf for the St Bart's tree and borrowed a book. 


    We are so excited to be published authors after all being selected as Young Writer competition winners!


    We were challenged to get ourselves into height order.