The Governing Body are responsible for the strategic running of the school.
This is achieved by:
The St Bartholomew’s Governors aim to support and challenge the school leaders, and to oversee all aspects of school performance, all with the aim that school remains an inclusive, kind and caring learning environment, ensuring that all children are enabled to achieve their potential, underpinned by a firm Christian ethos.
During 2022/2023, the Chair and Vice-Chair of Governors have continued to meet regularly with the Headteacher, ensuring that the safeguarding of our children is paramount, and also to focus on our SEND and more vulnerable pupils and the support that they need to flourish in school.
We have link Governors to give focus and support on particular areas of the curriculum and school life, and the Governors have approved and monitored the School Improvement Plan, which has helped guide the approach taken throughout the year.
The three main Committees are: Finance and Staffing Committee; Curriculum Committee and the Premises/Health & Safety & Safeguarding Committee. Each of these Committees are responsible for their particular area, and provide challenge and support as appropriate, as well as financial oversight.
All Governors take care to ensure that all of our pupils feel safe and supported in school, and that our curriculum allows the children the opportunity to thrive.
Category |
Term of Office |
Relevant personal, educational, business, pecuniary and indirect interests |
Rev Ben Jarvis |
Foundation - Ex Officio | 20/02/2023 - 19/02/2027 | |
Mr Richard Stubbs |
Foundation | 05/10/2020 - 04/10/2024 | |
Miss Sally Robertson | Foundation | 29/01/2024 - 28/01/2028 | |
Mrs Louise Barnfather | Foundation | 20/02/2023 - 19/02/2027 | |
Mr Craig Warkman | Parent (elected) | 05/02/2024 - 04/02/2024 | |
Mr Paul Ward | Parent (elected) | 05/02/2024 - 04/02/2024 | |
Mrs Liz Jackson | Co-opted | 25/11/2023 - 24/11/2027 | |
Mr Michael Fawole | Local Authority | 25/11/2023 - 24/11/2027 | |
Mr Chris Thomson | Foundation | 20/11/2020 - 19/11/2024 | |
Mrs Lynn Marshall | Teacher (elected) |
12/05/2022 - 11/05/2026 | |
Mrs Pam Laggan | Co-opted | 29/09/2019 - 28/09/2023 | |
Mr Richard Restall | Headteacher | Newcastle Diocesan Education Board |
Mr Tim Gittins
Mrs C Francis
Mr G Richardson
Chair: Mr Richard Stubbs (
Vice Chair: Rev Ben Jarvis
Treasurer: Mrs Pam Laggan
(Chair to be appointed as the committee are called)
(Chair to be appointed as the committee are called)
* Completed Safer Recruitment Training
Chair: Mr R Stubbs
Vice Chair: Rev B Jarvis
Treasurer: Mrs P Laggan
SEND: Mr R Stubbs
Pupil Premium: Mrs P Laggan
English: Mr M Fawole
School Development (Curriculum Priorities): Mrs L Jackson
Health and Safety: Mr P Ward
Wellbeing: Mr C Thomson & Mrs L Marshall
Leadership and Staff Development: Mr C Warkman
Child Protection (including Looked After Children): Miss S Robertson
Racial Equality: Headteacher
Home School Partnerships: Mrs L Barnfather
Food in Schools: Mrs L Marshall
PSHE: Mr C Thomson
Physical Education: Mr M Fawole
RE: Mrs L Jackson
EYFS: Mrs P Laggan
Pupil Progress (inc More Able and Talented):
Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural: Rev B Jarvis
National Information from "Get Information About Schools" website