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  • Reception

    Welcome to Reception! We love to learn through play and enjoy exploring in our outdoor and indoor spaces. 

        This week, Reception have been learning about Lunar New Year. We have enjoyed finding out about customs and routines and have taken part in lots of craft activities. 







    We have been developing our writing and mark making in our new Message Centre. 



    In Art, we used wax crayons and colour wash to make frosty paintings with cold colours. 







    Our new topic is Winter. We have enjoyed investigating changes in the weather in our outdoor area. We discovered lots of ice in our garden and had lots of fun exploring ways to break it and melt it. 

    Our Mud Kitchen toys had frozen! 
    Lots of leaves had frozen in blocks of ice!  


    We have been caring for our Stick Insect pets! We like to make sure they have fresh water and leaves. We enjoyed holding them and found out that they move very fast! 

    "They are so tickly...and fast!" Isla 
    Looking after our Stick Insect friends. 

    To support our Celebrations topic, we planned our own birthday party for Pedro and Pat, our class toy animals! 

    We wrote cards and invitations for our friends. Miss Wilson helped us to make a lovely Birthday cake for Pedro and we really enjoyed mixing all of the ingredients together. 

             A card for Pedro 
    We designed and made Party Hats 


    Celebrating Birthdays in our maths area. 


        Happy Birthday to you! 









    Mixing the ingredients for our cake. 


    Pedro enjoyed the party games! 
    Sharing books about Birthdays. 
    The Pass the Parcel winner! 









    The weather has turned very chilly! We have been making our own dens and shelters using large scale construction materials 









    We celebrated Children in Need by making our own spotty biscuits and had our faces painted with spots, inspired by Pudsey Bear! We raised lots of money for a very worthy cause and thank our families for their generosity and support. 

                Super Spots! 

    Our biscuits were yummy! 
          A Playdough Pudsey 


    Our Pudsey Drawings 


    This week, we have enjoyed sharing our experiences of Fireworks through creative activities and play. We drew large pictures of fireworks outdoors, made our own fireworks with loose parts and created our own bonfire in our small world area. 


    Our Small World Bonfire 


    Making Fireworks with Loose Parts. 


    Our Large Firework Drawings. 


    In our Bikeability session, Mr Hitchings and Mrs Jackson taught us how to ride our new balance bikes. 




                                                We have enjoyed exploring in our Mud Kitchen!