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Class Page 2022 - 2023

In History, we have been learning about the Anglo-Saxons, and how much their settlement has impacted life in Britain. By learning how to read co-ordinates in Maths, we used atlases to find towns and cities in the UK that were named by the Anglo-Saxons, and worked out what these place names meant at the time.


To round off the week, we gave Miggy and Bruno a good groom for their holidays, and a few of us played excellent football for the team on a very sunny Thursday. Well done everyone, and have a great half-term holiday!


This week, the class have been showing brilliant teamwork. At lunchtime, our LEGO League team have been working to build some of the key structures for their Superpowered design. They have loved sharing their creations with each other, as well as with Mr Restall. On Monday, our Year 3/4 football team had an excellent start to their League, winning their first match and saving a penalty!

To celebrate the King's Coronation this weekend, we helped create some school bunting, learned all about the Coronation in Whole Class Reading, and used up all of our concentration in Art to create some beautiful imprints. Using carbon paper and a sharp pencil, we stencilled around our chosen image onto a stamp template. Once imprinted, we carefully coloured in our picture and the stamp border, to create some colourful creations for King Charles III!


On Friday afternoon, we had a party to not only celebrate the King's Coronation, but to have a brilliant send off for Mrs Gel. She has been a super support in the classroom, and we wish her the best of luck in her new adventures!




In English, we have been busy using the iPads and computers to research how to care for Guinea Pigs. After finding our own images online, we have made some eye-catching, and very informative posters for around school.


This term, our Music lessons will focus on the keyboard. Although tricky, we have been working really hard to build up our right-hand finger muscles to play one note at a time. Some of us can even do both hands in unison!


We've had a brilliant, sunny start to our Summer Term in Class 4! We welcomed two new members into the class (Miggy and Bruno), making sure we kept calm and quiet for them to feel comfortable. 


Alongside the rest of the school, we joined in National Daily Mile Day - look at us go!

31.03.2023 - Ending Spring Term with a BANG!

Well what a brilliant time we all had at the Centre for Life! We had a terrific time exploring many of the different sections, working together to create electricity channels, wiring a security alarm, and presenting the weather on tv. We were also treated to a live performance about the secret science behind our coasts, and a trip into our stars through the astronomy centre. 


In the afternoon, we put on our lab coats and headed into one of the research labs to learn all about our digestive system (and how disgusting it is!). We revised all the key body parts needed to digest a piece of food, before working in pairs to recreate the digestion of some banana and weetabix. From grinding them up using a pestle and mortar, to squelching it down the oesophagus (a pair of tights) and into the stomach, we certainly learned that our body works very hard to create a poop! 


This week we have really got stuck into our Geography topic, and really enjoyed our interactive workshop with the Natural History Museum in London. We used all of our knowledge of volcanoes and earthquakes to help save Volcano Town (even if we were slightly concerned about the man who was airlifted directly into the giant ash cloud....).


Using different websites and resources, we worked in small groups to gather as much information on Earthquakes as we could. We then used this information to write some brilliant non-chronological reports.

To celebrate Maths Day, we worked together to solve some challenging Ferrari-based reasoning questions. Formula 1, here we come! 


After the exciting announcement by Mr Restall, we decided to write a persuasive speech that we could present to him. We all had a brilliant debate, and presented our points either for or against getting a school pet to the class. We will have to see what Mr Restall decides...


Finally, after the layers and layers of papier-mâché were completed, our plastic bottle and paper constructions were ready for their lick of paint. Our hard work has paid off, and we have six volcanoes ready to erupt!

Well the first week back has been full of page turning excitement. On Tuesday, we continued our learning about Volcanoes and Earthquakes by exploring what tectonic plates are, and how they cause these natural disasters. 


On Thursday, we had a dramatic afternoon focussed on the book 'Blodin the Beast' by Michael Morpurgo. Using our directorial skills we morphed our clay actors into our versions of the beast, focussing on all of their monstrous features. Not only did we celebrate World Book Day in style, but we had a brilliant visit from the Dog's Trust and learned all about how to be safe around our furry friends. 


From Eggciting Experiments to Searching for Love, we've had a brilliantly busy final week before the half term break. 


In Science, we investigated what happened to egg shells (similar to our tooth enamel) when they were left in different liquids for a whole week. Let's just say that the windows had to stay open for the rest of the day!


We also used atlases to locate some of world famous volcanoes, and created some brilliant cards to share with the people we love and care about after learning about why we started celebrating Valentine's Day.


Have a brilliant break Class 4!


This week, teamwork has made the dream work! 


In Maths, we have worked extremely hard on our timetables, and after working together on some Maths tasks, we loved a little Connect 4 style competition with a 12 times table twist. 


In PE, we practised our dribbling and passing skills. At the end of the session, we had to work in our teams to stop the giant ball ('Bob') from getting across our line - made a lot more challenging by the gusty winds!


Finally in Art/DT, we have split into groups for our volcano project. We had to make sure we created a stable structure before creating the volcano-like shape using scrap paper and masking tape. 

To start of our Digestion topic in Science, we have been investigating the functions of our different types of teeth. Not only have we researched and written about them, but we have also made our very own set of gnashers to paint and label!


We have also been having brilliant fun developing our gymnastics skills, using different pieces of apparatus to help us create competition-worthy routines. 


In Class 4 we had a very busy Friday! In music we have been looking at the life of Wolfgang Mozart, and his many compositions of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. With our own sheet music, we did a brilliant job of reading the music and playing the well known version on the chime bars!


We also had another brilliant football session with Newcastle Academy practising our passing skills. In the afternoon, we discussed the importance of values and why we should follow them in our everyday lives. 

20.01.2023 - Volcanoes!

To get stuck into our new topic, Volcanoes and Earthquakes, we focussed on Nick Rowland's beautiful artwork. To imitate an exploding volcano, we practised various painting techniques before applying them to our chalk volcanoes. We had great fun splattering the hall with bright bold colours, and we can't wait to share our final pieces on our display wall!


First week back and we have been busy bees! In RE, we worked brilliantly in our groups to explore the symbolism of water and the words we would use to describe it. On Friday, we had our first session with Josh from NU Foundation. We were practising our dribbling skills by using both the sole and sides of our feet, and certainly impressed Miss Parker! 

Qatar World Cup 2022

To celebrate the 2022 Football World Cup, our class were given Argentina as a focus country. After discussing what makes a nutritious meal, we produced some brilliant pre-match breakfasts. We also enjoyed watching some motivational speeches, before creating our own for the Argentinian football team. Not only did these spur the team on to win their match that afternoon, but go on to win the entire tournament! 

18.11.2022 - Children in Need

We had a great time supporting Children in Need in our spotty clothes and accessories! We also found out about the History of Children in Need, put our times tables knowledge to a tasty test, and practised our sketching and watercolour skills by drawing our very own Pudsey Bear.

11.11.2022 - Remembrance Day

To pay our respects to those that have lost their lives to war, we focussed on why we wear poppies, and what different coloured poppies stand for. We also studied the life of a significant individual from WW1, Walter Tull. After watching a short film documentary on his life, we looked at different photographs and images to investigate his life in more detail. In the afternoon, we chose what colour poppy we would like to make, and created an effective collaborative display with Class 3. 

08.11.2022 - Segedunum

We had a great time at Segedunum this week. The day started with a long trip on the metro and a short walk to the Roman museum and Fort. In the morning, we climbed up the many flights of stairs to see the Roman Fort from the top of the tower. After sketching the Fort from above, it was great to get outside and explore what all the buildings were used for.


After a much needed lunch break, we had a workshop focussing on what life was like for a Roman soldier inside Segedunum Fort. We were amazed at how much clothing each soldier had to wear for battle, and Mrs Gel started to regret her initial enthusiasm for being the Roman model! As new recruits to the Fort, we swore the Roman oath, learned about the different job roles of the soldiers, and prepared ourselves to battle against the barbarian Celts! 


Class 4 have had a very busy first week back. Starting our new Maths topic, Addition and Subtraction, we worked together to add ones, tens, hundreds and thousands to four digit numbers using counters. We also had a great time starting our piece for the Christmas performance, and got stuck into to some rather tricky rhymes!


After rummaging in the games cupboard, some of us have been getting extremely creative with the knex and lego sets. We have been designing wheeled wonders to race down a ramp, and created different national flags, as well as a competition trophy. Take a look at some of our designs!

01.11.2022 - Roman Numerals

Although the Romans used a very different numeric system to the one we use today, we were quick to learn the simple rules of the system. After a few practises, we worked together as a team to match Roman Numerals up to 100 - great effort Class 4!

21.10.2022 - Mr Stink

We have been getting stuck into our current class novel, Mr Stink. After reading the first couple of chapters, we created some fantastic similes and expanded noun phrases for our Character Descriptions of either Chloe or Mr Stink. 


In Art, we have also been looking at artist and illustrator Quentin Blake. We have enjoyed learning about his rough, fun-filled sketching, and have practised developing our own sketching techniques in his style. They are coming along extremely well, and will look even better with a touch of watercolour!

11.10.2022 - History

We are getting really stuck into our Roman topic. This week, we have been learning about the rise of the Roman Empire by focussing on its leaders over time. With the use of wigs and a little imagination, the class transformed into Julius Caesar, Octavian, Mark Anthony and Cleopatra. Looking at some battle statistics, we had a great discussion about who we thought would claim victory at the Battle of Actium. 


And that's a wrap! 


We have had another hard week of dance rehearsals, dress rehearsals, line rehearsals, and more rehearsals... Filming finishing on Friday morning, we were able to show off all the hard work we had put into our performance to the rest of the school. The feedback was extremely positive and everyone should be extremely proud of themselves! 


In between rehearsals, our Maths lessons have been focussing on numbers up to 10,000. We've been using counters and place value charts to help us find 1, 10, 100 and 1000 more or less. 


This week, we have all been working extremely hard rehearsing for our performance. In just two days we have perfected our warm-up planks, learned some rather complicated lines, and smiled our socks off after our rehearsal in front of the Year 2 audience. Well done us!
