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Page 4

 Now that we have all been at home for a while now, you will all be experts at home learning and keeping yourselves busy!

Your challenge today is to write a leaflet/poster or make a video for younger pupils on your top tips for working at home and keeping occupied. This could be a bullet pointed list, a paragraph of writing or a practical demonstration!

Good luck and don't forget to share!

 Here is a reading comprehension all about Fathers' Day. There are some lovely examples of different types of poems on page one. Why not write a poem about your Dad, Grandad or male role model from your life. Take inspiration from the examples here and don't forget to make a card!!

Fathers' Day Comprehension and examples

 Here is one of my favourite ideas for a card for Fathers' Day. There are loads on the internet though so have a look if this doesn't take your fancy.....

Easy and Beautiful card for Fathers' Day

Reasoning - just to remind you of all the things we covered!

Ask someone at home to read these out to you so you can practise your spelling.

Top tips for home learning from Sofia and Immy!

Ella's fantastic painting in the style of Monet

Ella's creative writing. I love reading your work, don't forget to send me examples via the 'uploads' folder or by email!

Have a go at exploring the instruments of the orchestra
