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Week 4

Monday 25th January


Alternative Spelling - ch


Watch the video below.


Alternative Spelling

Still image for this video

Read and discuss the meaning of each word. Have a go at spelling the words. Click on the attachment below.


Alternative Spelling



The Way Back Home  


Listen to the story and then discuss the questions below with an adult.

Discuss the questions below


What did the boy find?

Why did the boy get stuck on the moon?

Who else was in trouble?

Why did the boy jump back to earth?

What did the boy do when he got back home?

How did the boy get back to the moon?


The main theme of the story is cooperation. How is this shown in the story?

Do you like or not like the story?

Give a reason why.





Today we are looking at the 2x table. It's important that the children know their 2x table off by heart. Don't forget to use Times Tables Rock Stars to help with this.


Watch the videos below and then click on the link for the questions about the 2x table.


2x Table

Still image for this video

2x Table

Still image for this video

1 star activity

If some of the questions on the slides are a little tricky, the activity sheet below might be more appropriate. Answers can be written on paper, if you don't have a printer.



Extra Task


Learn your 2x table off by heart! Hit the Button is a great game to help with quick fire questions.



This week, we are learning how to say classroom objects in French. Watch the video and look at the attachment below.



Classroom Objects

Still image for this video



I would like you to draw some of the classroom objects. Try and label them in French. Have a go at saying their names in French too.

Tuesday 26th January


Phonics - Alternative Spelling



Alternative Spelling

Still image for this video

Read and discuss the words. Have a go at spelling the words.


Alternative Spelling


The Way Back Home

Watch the video from yesterday to remind you of the story.

Today, we are going to think about using conjunctions in our sentences. We use conjunctions to link together parts of a sentence. 


I've got some examples for you.


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video



Copy out and complete the sentences below. You can choose how to finish each sentence. It doesn't have to be exactly the same as the story.


The plane lifted off the ground and


The boy was all alone and


The Martian's engine had broken down and


The boy shouted for the Martian but


The boy had a torch but


The boy was stuck on the moon because


The boy jumped down to earth because




Write some sentences of your own using the different conjunctions.





Today, we are going to be focusing on the 5x table. Answer the questions on the attachment below. 

The 5x Table

1 Star Activity


If some of the slides on the attachment are a little tricky, please look at the 1 star activity sheet.

1 Star Activity - 5x Table

Extra Task


To know the 5x table off by heart! You could even mix it up with the 2x table.



The Wright Brothers

The Wright Brothers invented the aeroplane. Click on the attachment below to find out more information.



The Wright Brothers



I would like you to design your own aeroplane. It could be a futuristic plane that no one has seen or imagined as of yet! Write a short description about your design.


Wednesday 27th January




I would like you to work on the alternative spellings for the ch sound. Try and find the spellings in the story too.

Click on the attachment below.

Alternative Spelling

English and Hello Class 2!



The Way Back Home


Today, I would like you to pretend that you are the boy in the story. I want you to write a letter to your family telling them about your adventure.


Click on the attachment for more ideas.

Letter Activity



We are focusing on the 10x table today. Complete the activities in the attachment. If some of the activities are a little tricky, have a go at the 1 star activity instead.

1 Star Activity

Design Technology/Art


Make your own paper aeroplane! Follow the instructions on the attached sheet. Decorate your aeroplane too. How far can your aeroplane travel? 

Paper Plane Instructions

Thursday 28th January




Alternative Spelling - J



Alternative Spelling J

Still image for this video
Read and discuss the words. Have a go at spelling the words.

Alternative Spelling - J



The Way Back Home


Watch the video of the story again. I would like you to imagine that you have found an old aeroplane in the cupboard, just like the boy in the story. What would you do with it? Would you take it on an adventure? Where would you go? Who would you meet?


Write about finding your aeroplane and going on an adventure. 


Remember to include lots of adjectives in your writing. Don't forget those capital letters and full stops!




We have been working on the 2x, 5x and 10x tables this week. It is important that you know these times tables off by heart. Today, I would like you to work on knowing your tables quickly. I've attached some multiplication wheels for you to complete. If you don't have a printer, just draw the multiplication wheels on paper.

Watch the video before completing the activities.

Multiplication Wheels

Still image for this video

1 Star, 2 Star and 3 Star Activities

Extension - Missing Number Multiplication Wheels



In class 2, we have just started to work on our skipping skills. There are lots of different skills to learn. Watch the video and have a go at the speed bounce challenge. You don't need a rope to do this one.


The next video shows us how to do the double bounce. You can still have a go at double bouncing, even if you don't have a rope!

Friday 29th January


CLASS ZOOM at 11:15am. 


We can't wait to see you all!





Alternative Spelling - J

Alternative Spelling - J

Still image for this video
Read and discuss the words. Have a go at spelling the words.

Alternative Spelling - J


The Way Back Home


I would like you to watch the short video below. It is a different version of our story.



After watching the short video, I would like you to list the similarities and differences between both versions of the story.

I've done one example for you.


What's the same?


There is a boy and a Martian.

They both travel to space.



What's different?


The boy has a rocket and not an aeroplane.

He uses a ladder to go back to space and not a rope.



Extra Task


In the video, the boy and the Martian don't seem to be able to speak to one another. Write a conversation they might have when they meet.




We are going to continue with our 2x, 5x and 10x tables today. I have attached some games for you to play. Don't worry if you don't have a printer, you can easily write your answers on paper. 

Extra Task


Make your own times tables game to play with an adult at home.


If you are confident with the 2x, 5x and 10x tables, have a go at learning the 3x table. 


Remember to continue to work on Times Tables Rock Stars and Numbots.





Friday Fun!


Have a look at the two science investigations. We have a dancing raisins activity and a fruity sweets colour mixing investigation. Don't forget to send me some pictures of your science fun!




