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Week 5- 1/2/21

Spring Term Home Learning

Monday 1st February

I want you to learn the following spellings.











After you have learnt them, try using the words in a sentence.

Maths Revision


I want you to practise the 4 times table. This task should take about 10 minutes.






I would like you to think of three ideas for a trick, that you can play on Mr Twit or Mrs Twit. Remember to include:

  • What you will use for your trick.
  • The person you will play the trick on. 
  • How the trick will be carried out. 




I want you to read the extract and answer the questions. There are some inference, retrieval and vocabulary questions for you to answer. 



Today, I would like you to measure lines in cm and mm. Watch the video, then answer the questions. 



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Maths Challenges



This week, we are learning how to name animals in French. After you have watched the video, I would like you to complete the French task. 

Mrs Billington's English Group


Mrs Billington's group have been learning about 'ow'  and 'ou' words in phonics. I want you to learn the following spellings.











After you have learnt them, try using the words in a sentence.  



PE with Mrs. C!

Happy Tuesday year 3! Enjoy PE this week. Stay safe. smiley



Tuesday 2nd February



Mr Twit was furious, when Mrs Twit put worms in his spaghetti. I want you to pretend that you're Mr Twit, and plan a trick on Mrs Twit. After you have completed this task, I would like you to read the next chapter. 

Mrs Billington's English Group 


Mrs Billington's group have been learning about 'ow' and 'ou' words. I want you to sort the words into groups then use the words in a sentence. 

Mrs Billington's Maths Group 


Mrs Billington's group have been measuring objects. Watch the video, then measure some items at home.

Measuring in cm

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Today, I would like you to convert cm to mm and vice versa. Watch the videos, then answer the questions.

Remember 1cm=10mm.

Maths 1

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1)3.6cm=____ mm




Maths 2

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1)56mm= _____cm




Maths 3

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Maths Challenge

Science - Muscles (2.02.21)

Hi Class 3,

This week we are going to continue to investigate our muscles, how they work and which muscles we use during different activities. I have added two video links for you to watch to help explain how muscles work and also a fact sheet about muscles for you to read before you begin this week's task.

Your Task:

This week I would like you to think about the muscles you use when you take part in different activities. I would like you to predict which muscles you will use when you run, read a book and for another activity of your choice. Complete the worksheets below, circling the muscles you THINK you will use during the activities before you begin (Your PREDICTION). Then I would like you to carry out the activities, taking notice of which parts of your body move and which muscles are responsible for the movement. Once you have completed each activity, go back to your sheet and record your findings on the second diagram, to show which muscles you actually used. Will you be surprised at which muscles you use for your activities?

Once you have carried out your practical investigation, I would like you to write a short explanation of how muscles work, using the information on this page.  

Need extra help?

If you want to use a paragraph with missing words to describe how muscles work, I have added two below. The 1 star activity has the initial letters of the missing words already in place. The 2 star has only a list of the words, the challenge is to put them in the correct place in the text! You don't need to print these sheets out, just copy the paragraph onto you activity sheet and fill in the missing words as you do.

I hope you enjoy discovering which muscles you use during this activity.

Mrs M. smiley 

Wednesday 3rd February

Maths Revision


I want you to practise the 3 times table. This task should take about 10 minutes.



I want you to read the extract and answer the questions. There are some inference, retrieval and vocabulary questions for you to answer. 



Today, I would like you to convert cm to m and vice versa. Watch the videos, then answer the questions.

Remember 100cm=1m.

Maths 1

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Maths 2

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maths 3.mp4

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Maths Challenges 



In today's lesson, I would like you to write a description of your trick. When you write your paragraph, I want you to include adjectives, conjunctions and sequencing words. I have included a story opener and a word bank to help you. After you have written your paragraph, I want you to read the next chapter from The Twits. 

Mrs Billington's Maths Group 


Mrs Billington's group have been measuring and drawing lines. Watch the video, then complete the work sheet below. 

Measuring and drawing lines

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RE with Mrs. C!

Happy Wednesday year 3! 



Thursday 4th February





Wellerman Project


I hope that you have received an email about the school's Wellerman Project. Class 3 have started rehearsing today, and it would be lovely to see lots of our families taking part. You can listen to the song on the Youtube link below. If you would like to join in, you can send your contributions to the class email address. 



Today, I want you to identify the features of a newspaper report. When you are identifying the key features, I would like you to highlight or underline the:

  • The headline
  • The 5Ws (who, when, what, where and why)
  • Some key information
  • Words written in the past tense
  • Some quotes




In today's lesson, I would like to to add lengths using a number line and bar models.  Watch the videos, then answer the questions. Remember 1m=100 cm.

Maths 1

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This may take several minutes. Once the processing is complete, the video will be shown here.

This video is being processed

This may take several minutes. Once the processing is complete, the video will be shown here.





Maths 2

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Maths Challenge



Class 3 will be having another Zoom meeting at 2:45pm on Friday. During this meeting, I would like you to share a piece of your work.



I would like you to look at aerial photographs of Newcastle, Tynemouth and Wooler, and identify the physical and human features found in each locality.


  • Physical features occur naturally like rivers, mountains and forests. 
  • Human features are man made like roads, houses and bridges. 


After you have completed the first activity, I want you to write a short paragraph comparing the different localities. 

Mrs Billington's English Group


Today, I would like you to read the story and underline all the 'ow' and 'ou' words.

Friday 5th February

Maths Revision


I want you to practise using column addition and subtraction. This task should take about 15 minutes.



In today's lesson, I want you describe the key events from 'Mrs Twit Gets a Stretching' and 'Mrs Twit Goes Ballooning Up'.  When you write your paragraph, I would like you to use adjectives, prepositions and sequencing words. I have listed the main events from these chapters below:

  • Mr and Mrs Twit went into the garden.
  • Mr Twit had the balloons, string and gas cylinder ready. 
  • Mrs Twit was tied to an iron ring by her ankles.
  • Mr Twit filled the balloons with gas.
  • Mr Twit tied the balloons to Mrs Twit's body.
  • Mrs Twit felt helpless, and thought the string might snap. 
  • Mr Twit cut the string and Mrs Twit floated into the sky. 


After you have completed your written task, I would like you to read the next part of  The Twits. 





I would like you to paint a picture of the Angel of the North. Have a look at the images below for inspiration. 



In today's lesson, I would like to to subtract lengths using a number line and column subtraction  Watch the videos, then answer the questions. Remember 1m=100 cm.

maths 1.mp4

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Maths 2

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Maths 3

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Mrs Billington's English Group


Today, I would like you to write some sentences describing Mrs Twit. Remember to use, capital letters, adjectives and full stops.  

Mrs Billington's Maths Group 


Mrs Billington's group have been comparing lengths. Watch the video, then answer the questions. 

Comparing Lengths

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1) 16cm _____ 12cm

2)12cm ______ 22cm

3)27cm ______29cm

4)82cm ______80cm

5)76cm ______75cm
