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Week 6-8/2/21

Spring Term Home Learning

Monday 8th  February

Maths Revision


I want you to convert and compare money. This task should take about 10 minutes.



I want you to learn the following spellings.











After you have learnt them, try using the words in a sentence.



In today's lesson, I would like you to find the perimeter of squares, rectangles and compound shapes. Watch the videos, then complete the worksheets. Remember, perimeter is the total distance around a shape or an object. 


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Maths Challenge



Today, I would like you to improve a piece of writing so it makes sense. Copy out the passage, and change the bold words into the past tense.  

Mrs Billington's English Group


Mrs Billington's group have been learning about 'ie' and 'ea' words. I want you to learn the following spellings.











After you have learnt them, try using the words in a sentence.  

Mrs Billington's Maths Group 


Mrs Billington's group have been solving word problems. Watch the video, then answer the word problems.

Word Problems

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I want you to read the extract and answer the questions. There are some inference, retrieval and vocabulary questions for you to answer. 



This week, we are learning how to describe the colour of animals in French. When you are describing animals in French, it's important to remember the adjective comes after the noun:


  •  white rabbit - un lapin blanc
  •  brown dog - un chien marron


I would like you to draw, paint or make some animals, and label them in French.




Tuesday 9th February

Mrs Billington's Maths Group 


Mrs Billington's group have been naming 2-D and 3-D shapes. I would  like you to go on a shape hunt around your home.

  • Can you find a circle?
  • Can you find  a rectangle?
  • Can you find a square?
  • Can you find cuboid?
  • Can you find a cube?
  • Can you find a cylinder?


After you have been on the shape hunt, I want your to draw a picture of the shapes and label them.

Mrs Billington's English Group


Mrs Billington's group have been learning about 'ie' and 'ea' words. I want you to sort the words into groups, then use  the words in a sentence. 



Today, I would like you to find the perimeter of rectangles and find missing lengths. Watch the videos, then answer the questions. Remember, perimeter is the total distance around a shape or an object. 

Maths 1

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Maths 2

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I want you to imagine that you're an eye-witness, and you saw Mrs Twit floating in the sky. After you have watched the video, I want you to create a spider diagram about:


  • What you know about Mr and Mrs Twit.
  • What you saw that day.
  • What you heard that day.

Science - Effect of exercise (9.02.21)

Hello Class 3,

This week, our Science is linked to P.E. and exercise. Last week we looked at muscles and which muscles we use when we carry out various activities. This week, we are going to look at what effect exercise has on our bodies. Muscles can be voluntary or involuntary, which means that we make them work or they move without us knowing. The heart is an involuntary muscle (the cardiac muscle). It pumps blood around our body continuously, even when we are asleep! I would like you to watch the video below before beginning this week's task. Once you have watched it, you need to be ready to do some serious exercise.

Your Task:

You will need your trainers, a stopwatch or timer and any of the videos below to work out to; or you could use the circuit sheet to make up your own exercises.

We are going to find out what happens to our bodies as we exercise. For this task, you will record your pulse rate and the number of breaths you take in one minute. To record your pulse rate, you need to count the number of beats in 15 seconds and then multiply this number by 4 to work out how many beats per minute your heart is beating.

Before you begin, using the recording sheet, record your pulse rate, breaths per minute and also how you feel.

Next I would like you to gently warm up (this is the first part of the videos) and record your pulse, breaths and how you feel.

Then, gently walk on the spot for 2 minutes before making your next set of results.

Once you have completed your gentle exercise you can return to your videos or circuits and complete the exercises, pausing them before the cool down to record your next set of results. Finally, return to your cool down, complete this and take your final set of results at the end. 

Look at your results, what happened to your body when your muscles worked harder?

Enjoy your exercise Class 3, remember to warm up your muscles before you begin and cool them down when you finish.

Mrs M.smiley


Some Activity Ideas.

Circuit Training Ideas


OR... PE with Mrs. C! (Perfect for Mrs. Marshall's Science) smiley



Wednesday 10th February



I want you to read the extract and answer the questions. There are some inference, retrieval and vocabulary questions for you to answer. 

Maths Revision


I want you to practise your place value skills. This task should take about 10 minutes.



In today's lesson, I want you to write some quotes for a newspaper report.  Watch the video then write some quotes, from different peoples points of view. When you write your quotes remember to use:

  • inverted commas
  • question marks, exclamation marks, commas and full stops
  • the reporting clause


Some examples


1) Mrs Smith said," I looked out the window and saw Mrs Twit floating in the sky".

2) Squadron Leader Jones said, "I couldn't believe my eyes, when I saw a pair of frilly knickers floating above my jet."



In today's lesson, I would like you to find the perimeter of 2-D shapes using repeated addition and multiplication facts. Watch the videos, then complete the worksheets. Remember, perimeter is the total distance around a shape or an object. 


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Maths 2

Still image for this video
Maths Challenges 

Mrs Billington's Maths Group 


Mrs Billington's group have been learning about the properties of 2-D shapes. I would like you to complete the worksheet below.

Mrs Billington's English Group


Mrs Billington's group have been learning have been learning about adjectives. I would like you to write some sentences about going to the beach.



RE with Mrs. C!

Happy Wednesday year 3! Enjoy RE. yes



Class 3 will be having another Zoom meeting at 2:45pm on Friday. During this meeting, I would like you to share, photographs of you having fun in the snow, your favourite joke and a piece of work.

Thursday 11th February




Today, I want you to plan a newspaper report describing what happened to Mrs Twit, when she was tied to the balloons. When you plan your report, remember to include:

  • a headline
  • the 5W's
  • background information about Mr and Mrs Twit
  • what happened that day
  • some quotes.




I want you to solve some problems, involving perimeter and rectangles. When you solve the problems, you don't have to draw the rectangles to scale.


Problem 1 


How many different rectangles can you draw with a perimeter of 20cm?



Problem 2 


How many different rectangles can you draw with a perimeter of 200cm? You a can only use multiples of 10. 



In today's lesson, I would like you to look at a a map and answer some questions. Before you do this, have a look at these symbols, and try to work out what they represent. If you get stuck, ask an adult to help you. 


Use the map and key to answer the following questions:

  1. Where would you go to find a tourist information centre?
  2. Name four churches in Newcastle.
  3. Where would you go if you wanted to watch a play?
  4. Name three Metro Stations found in the city centre.
  5. Where would you go if you wanted to watch a film?
  6. Where can coaches drop off passengers?
  7. Where would you go if you wanted to  watch a concert?
  8. What are the museums called?

Mrs Billington's Maths Group 


Mrs Billington's group have been sorting 2-D shapes. I would like you to cut out the shapes, and sort them into the correct groups.


Don't forget to go on Times Tables Rock Stars. You can also practise your times tables using Hit the Button.

Friday 12th February



I want you to write a newspaper report, using your plan from yesterday's lesson. When you write your newspaper report, remember to include:  

  • a headline
  • the 5W's
  • key facts in chronological  order
  • the past tense 
  • Quotes





Today, I want you to u multiply a two-digit number by a single digit. Watch the videos, then answer the questions. Remember the largest number you can have in any column is 9. 

maths 1

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Maths 2

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