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Have a go at these problems. The answers are at the end so you can check them

These are a bit easier......

Find some interesting facts about your chosen vehicle to use if you were advertising your car. Then write a paragraph including these facts to persuade someone to to buy it!
Have a go at these new songs to sign. The first one is especially for Joseph!

Makaton CarPark Karaoke - SHOTGUN - Singing Hands

Love this one!

Makaton CarPark Karaoke - It Must Be Love - Singing Hands

Aaron, I had my running gear on! We will all have to think of creative ways to get our steps in. Maybe find that skipping rope....?

Sylvester Stallone Skipping

We've all needed a bit of help with our use of punctuation since we have returned to school. Have a look at this sheet....

Have a look at the PowerPoint to see where Mandalas come from and what they signify. Have a go at drawing one - there is also a YouTube video to give you some ideas and inspiration.

Art Therapy Series # 1 || Relaxing Mandala Art || @Lax Lifestyle ❤

art #therapy #mandala #arttherapy #series #mandalaart #relaxing #art #laxlifestyle 👉 Material used : Black Sharpie Thanks for watching 🙂💚 SUBSCRIBE 💜


Hi Class 6, 

Last week we looked at the components of blood. This week I would like you to recap on the appearance and functions of each of the components we looked at and write an illustrated Haiku, which features BOTH of these characteristics. You may want to write about one of the four components we investigated or you may choose to do more. I have included a sample Haiku for the white blood cells below and also some information about each of the four components of blood. I would like to display your poems in school so make sure that they are eye-catching, colourful and easy to read. You can choose to use a computer, write and draw or paint to illustrate your Haiku.

Mrs M. smiley

Sample Haiku

Blood Component images

It's 13 x 13 times table grid time! Do your grid and you can email me the time you get so I can update the leaderboard! Don't forget there is also 'Hit the Button' or Times Tables Rock Stars.

Here is a similar sheet that we were working on last week. Have a go to make sure your place value is secure.....

Have a go at this short, online reading comprehension about the history of transport. It's timed and you just choose your answers from the list.

Have a look at this mini SPag test. We will go over the answers when we are all back together.

I noticed recently, that we are all a bit rusty with our French numbers. This is something your teachers at your next school will expect you to know, so I think we had better practise. Here are some activities to help.

French Numbers


Just for fun!

We are going to be drawing and designing the body for our buggies when get back to school. Have a practise drawing cars using this video.

How To Draw A Lamborghini Huracan (Front View)

I need your help class 6!

As all of you know I have Jax, a German Shepherd cross Border Collie. He is in need of a new bed but I am not sure what to get him. I had the idea of getting a toddler bed for him because he loves being on my bed so I think it makes sense for him to have his own, however Cam thinks that I am ridiculous and we should just get another normal dog bed. So the question is, do I get him a normal dog bed or should I get the toddler bed? Write a paragraph to persuade me which bed you think I should get and why. 


You can see some examples of toddler beds here if you need any:

