As we have our Multiplication Check next term, I would like you to keep practising your times tables on TTRS. Also make sure to keep practising your spellings using the Spelling Shed games. Have a great half term!
Match each diagram to the correct mixed number and improper fraction.
As a class, you have been working really hard on your times tables. Now it is time to show off your skills in the TTRS Competition!
Homework for those who completed the Maths homework set online last week.
Additional Challenge: How many questions can you answer in 5 minutes? Get your timers set!
20.01.2023 - As the printer is now back in action, I have given out last weeks homework (set 13.01.2023) for this week. For those pupils who completed the homework last week, I have set the reading comprehension above.
If you fancy doing something a bit extra, get yourself onto TTRS and get practising those Times Tables!
12.01.2023 - This week we were unable to send out a printed copy of the homework sheet. If you are unable to access the homework, please use Times Table Rockstars to practise your times tables!