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Tolerance of those with different faiths

Definition: Disagreeing well, upholding another’s right to hold a differing view.

St. Bartholomew's is a Church school with a distinctly Christian ethos but many of our pupils and their families are not Christian, choosing our school for its values and high expectations.


In Britain, each person is free to make up their own mind about faith and religion and to make their own life choices.  Many people make different choices and we fully uphold each individual's right to do so.


Therefore, although we can disagree with each other over points of faith, belief, practice and religion, we must be tolerant and work with and alongside each other in different walks of life.  Our daily acts of Collective Worship are presented as an opportunity for worship rather than something the children must fully engage in.  If they choose not to worship themselves, they are expected to listen, consider and reflect.


Our RE scheme, based on the Diocesan syllabus, is mainly Christian but also includes the study and consideration of different world faiths.  Other faiths are taught with objectivity and clarity, sensitive to the school and wider community.


PSHCE and Circle Time activities allow issues to be discussed and the children taught how to share and resolve the issues that differences can sometimes cause.


Working alongside St. Stephen's, our Roman Catholic neighbours on the same site and in the same building, is just one quite unique example of how this can be done and tolerance promoted.
