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Week 4 - 25/1/21

Spring Term Home Learning

 Monday 25th January 



I want you to learn the following spellings.





After you have learnt them, try using the words in a sentence.

Maths Revision


I want you to practise your addition skills. This task should take about 10 minutes.



Mrs Clark will be sending login details so you can access Charanga at home. She will be setting different music activities for you to complete.




We have just started reading The Twits by Roald Dahl. I want you to have a look at the different book covers then answer the questions.  

1) How would you describe Mrs Twit?

2) What is Mr Twit's beard like and how would you describe him?

3) What kind of people do you think The Twits are?

4) Why do you think Mrs Twit is holding onto some balloons?

6) Do you think Mr and Mrs Twit like animals?

7) Why are Mr and Mrs Twit standing on their heads?

8) What kind of relationship do Mr and Mrs Twit have?

9) Can you find anymore information from the covers?



Bonjour Class 3. I would like you to practise your pronunciation using the video. I then want you to label the different types of weather on the map.  



Today, I would like you to subtract money using diagrams, column subtraction and the part-part whole model. Watch the videos then answer the questions.

Maths 1

Still image for this video






Part-part whole

Still image for this video
Maths Challenges 

Mrs Billington's English Group


Mrs Billington's group have been learning about 'ay' words in phonics. I want you to learn the following spellings.








After you have learnt them, try using the words in a sentence.  


Mrs Billington's Maths Group


Mrs Billington's group have been subtracting money. Watch the video then answer the questions. 

subtracting money

Still image for this video







Tuesday 26th January



I want you to read the extract and answer the questions. There are some inference, retrieval and vocabulary questions for you to answer. 

Science - Functions of the skeleton (26.01.21)

Hi Class 3, I hope that you enjoyed finding out about the bones in our skeleton last week and making your moving skeletons. This week we are going to find out about the functions of the skeleton and also how we move using our muscles. I have included some links below for you to follow for information and also some videos to watch. You can also use the link for the video from last week to watch the whole lesson or from 19 minutes to find out about muscles and how they work. 

Before you begin to investigate the skeleton and muscles this week think about the following questions:

What would happen if you didn't have a skeleton?

How could you pick up your pencil if there were no joints in the bones of your hand? 

How do the joints in your body move?


Your Task:

To find out more about the skeleton, joints and muscles and complete the activity sheet labelling different areas of the skeleton. (Can you use both the common names and scientific names for the bones?).

Extension: Make a model to show how muscles work.

Enjoy learning more about your skeleton and muscles Class 3.

Mrs M.smiley



Extension Task



Today, I would like you subtract money crossing the boundary of 10. Watch the videos then answer the questions.

Maths 1

Still image for this video

Maths 2

Still image for this video





Maths Task 2

Still image for this video









I want you to read the extract from The Twits and list some facts about Mr Twit. I have listed some facts to help you.


  • Mr Twit was a hairy faced man.
  • Mr Twit thought his beard made him look grand and wise.
  • Mr Twit's hair grew in spikes.
  • Mr Twit never washed his face.

Mrs Billington's Maths Group


Mrs Billington's group have been subtracting money. Watch the video then answer the questions. 


Still image for this video

1) 27p-14p=

2) 36p-15p=

3) 49p-17p=

4) 25p-12p=

5) 38p-17p=

6) 46p-11p=

Mrs Billington's English Group


Mrs Billington's group have been learning about 'ay' words in phonics. I want you to read the postcard and make a list of the 'ay' words. 



PE with Mrs. C!

Happy Tuesday Year 3! Here is your PE session for this week - remember you can repeat this as many times as you can. Stay safe, fit and healthy. smiley yes




Wednesday 27th January



Today, I would like you subtract money crossing the boundary of 10 and 100. Watch the videos then answer the questions. 

Maths 1

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Bar Models

Still image for this video
Maths Challenges

Mrs Billington's Maths Group


Mrs Billington's group have been subtracting money. Watch the videos then answer the questions. 

Maths 1

Still image for this video

Maths 2

Still image for this video

1) 67p-24p=

2) 56p-35p=

3) 79p-52p=

4) 85p-43p=

5) 97p-66p=

6) 39p-21p=



RE with Mrs. C!

Happy Wednesday Year 3! Enjoy RE. 








I would like you to plot towns and cities on a map. Before you do this, I want you to colour in County Durham, Tyne and Wear and Northumberland on the same map, and create a key. The towns and cities you need to plot are listed below:

  •  Durham
  •  Barnard Castle
  •  Newcastle
  •  Sunderland
  •  Whitley Bay
  • Hexham
  •  Kielder
  • Bamburgh




Today, I would like you to compare Mr and Mrs Twit to see if their personalities are similar. Before you do this, you will need to read the next chapter about Mrs Twit. 

Use the information in the document below to describe how Mr and Mrs Twit are similar. Use my example to help you. 


1) Mr and Mrs Twit are similar because they don't care what they look like. I know this because Mr Twit has matted hair sprouting from his ears and Mrs Twit has a crooked nose and wonky eyes.



Thursday 28th January

Maths Revision


I want you to practise your subtraction skills. This task should take about 10 minutes.



Today, I would like you to solve word problems using column addition and column subtraction. Watch the videos then solve the word problems.

Maths 1

Still image for this video

Maths 2

Still image for this video



I want you to create a picture of Mr Twit using a range of materials. Have a look at the images below for inspiration.



Today, I would like you to write a description of Mr and Mrs Twit. When you write your paragraph, I want you to use conjunctions, adjectives and similes. I have given you a writing frame and a word bank to help you. After you have completed your writing task, I want you to read the next two chapters from The Twits. 

Class 3 will be having another Zoom meeting at 2:45pm on Friday. 

Friday 29th January


Don't forget to go on Times Tables Rock Stars. You can also practise times tables using Hit the Button.



I want you to read the extract and answer the questions. There are some inference, retrieval and vocabulary questions for you to answer.


Before you complete the writing task, I would like you to read the next two chapters from The Twits.  

Writing Task


 I would like you to add adjectives and adverbs to a piece of writing. Watch the video before you complete activity. It is important to remember:

  • adjectives describe the noun 
  • adverbs describe the verb



Today, I would like you to measure and draw lines using cm and mm. Watch the videos before you complete the tasks. 

Measuring in cm

Still image for this video

Measuring in mm

Still image for this video

Drawing Lines 


Draw these lines on a piece of paper. Remember to use a ruler. 







Maths Challenge

Mrs Billington's Maths Group


Mrs Billington's group have been measuring items using cubes. I would like you to choose 6 items and measure them using Lego bricks. Remember the Lego bricks need to be the same size.  

Measuring items with Lego bricks

Still image for this video

Mrs Billington's English Group


Mrs Billington's group have been ben learning about adjectives. I would like you add adjectives to these sentences.


1) The dog has ____ fur and ____ spots.

2) A ____ slug was in my kitchen. 

3) A ____ and ____ butterfly flew into my house.

4) A ____  spider was in the bathroom.

5) I found a _____ ladybird on a ______ leaf.
