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WB 5.7.21

Monday 5th July 2021


Try these Magic squares.  Every row needs to add up to the same number. Can you work out the missing numbers?

Magic Squares


Watch this short film.  What do you think the waiter is thinking?  Write a paragraph as if you are the waiter.  Imagine his thoughts as the action unfolds.  What would be going through his head?

French Roast - Regia di Fabrice O. Joubert


Pointillism Introduction

Pointillism in painting is the practice of applying small dots of colour to create an entire painting.

Tuesday 6th July 2021



Wednesday 7th July 2021


English/Topic combined

Use your internet skills to find out where the best place is to live in Newcastle.  Find out what facilities or attractions different places have that might make people choose to live there.  How will you present your findings? A Power point presentation? A verbal presentation? You can choose.


We used pointilism to create an image of the Tyne Bridge.  Why don't you have a go as well?

Friday 9th July 2021


Have a go at doing your times table grid 12 x 12.

Why don't you challenge yourself and do one that has 13-24 down the side and 1-12 along the top!


What have your highlights of Year 5 been? Use this resource to think of the A-Z of highlights! e.g D for Dancing to night fever at Christmas!
