Homework 11th December 2020
Spelling anagrams! Unscramble these words from the Year 5/6 Spelling list!
Maths Challenge
William Shakespeare
We have been learning the story of Macbeth by William Shakeapeare. Create a factfile about Shakespeare. You could include some of his plays and an explanation of what they're about.
Homework 4th December
What country does this flag belong to?
What is the capital city? Find 3 other cities in this country!
Synonyms: Choose better vocabulary! Improve the underlined word.
Bjorn ran through the forest to avoid his enemy.
Cutting through the trees, he came to a clearing.
When he got to the middle of the forest, silence followed him.
Suddenly, an axe hit the tree behind his head.
The leaves in the bush behind parted and Sven came into the clearing.
Adding Fractions
Maths Challenge
Homework 27th November 2020
Descriptive Writing
Here is the opening scene to a Viking Saga. Write a description of the scene. Remember to write in the past tense.
E.g. "Fresh snow covered the landscape as far as Sven could see..."
Which country has this flag?
What is the capital city? Find out 5 facts about this city.
Find 3 ways it is different to Newcastle!
Practice multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000:
34 x 10
47 x 10
4.6 x 10
0.64 x 10
67 x 100
0.74 x 100
3.03 x 100
0.04 x 100
84 x 1000
4.82 x 1000
0.005 x 1000
Homework 20th November
What prefixes would you add to these words?
Do you remember what the passive voice is?
e.g. The tree was being blown by the wind
Can you write 5 sentences of your own in the passive voice
We have been writing poems about different aspects of Viking Mythology. Write your own poem about one of the Viking gods - you can choose! Why don't you ask an adult to email it to our class email?
Les Pays
Find out what these countries are in French!
Northern Ireland
Homework 13 November 2020
Maths Challenge
Which Viking god is this one? How do you know? Write a paragraph about this god and what you know about him!
Times table rock stars & Hit the Button
Equivalent fractions:
Here are 3 words from your spelling list. Practice learning how to spell them :
Friday 6th November 2020
We are starting to find out more about Viking beliefs. Find out as much as you can about the Viking god, Odin. Create a fact file all about him!
What prefixes would you add to these verbs?
Can you think of 5 more verbs with a prefix?
Practice your multiplying 2 digit by 2 digit
35 x 25
64 x 36
58 x 35
67 x 32
77 x 48
76 x 45
What about 374 x 46?
Friday 18th October
Here is an artist's impression of King Athelstan.
Can you find out 5 facts about this King.
Why don't you try and create your own portrait of King Athelstan?
Spelling practice
Choose 5 words from the Year 5/6 spelling list that begin with "a"
Write a definition for each one.
Use each one in a sentence.
Write each one in a pyramid formation - one letter, then two letters etc.
Remember to practice your times tables using Rockstars!
Don't forget to try this website out as well! What's your highest score?
Friday 10th October 2020
Here is an artist's impression of the Battle of Edington. Can you remember what happened here? Imagine you were a journalist at the time. What would your headline for this story be? Can you think of a few examples? Remember your headline needs to grab the readers attention!
Maths Homework
Don't forget to log on to Rock Stars! I have set some new times tables for this week! This links with our learning about Multiples!
This is the book I am planning to read after "Beetle Boy." What are you planning to read next? What book are you waiting for someone to finish so you can read it next?
Their There They're
Practice using these in sentences. Ask an adult to check if you have chosen the correct one!
Remember: Their when it belongs to someone; There is the opposite of here or a place; They're is a contraction for they are!
Homework Friday 25th September
Keep using Times Tables Rockstars. There are more times tables set this week!
Keep reading your book. Next week, please be prepared to tell the class about the book (even if you don't like it!) Remember to think about who you would recommend the book to next!
Spelling: This week we have looked at the long vowel sound "i" in words spelt with a "y" like apply, supply, identify.
How many different words with this spelling pattern can you find?
Check out this new website called "Numbots"
Use the same login details as Rockstars.
Great Maths practise!
Friday 18th September
I have attached some spelling lists. The first list are spellings that you are expected to know by the end of year 4! The second list are spelling you are expected to know by the end of year 5. Why don't you practise them using the look, say, cover, write, check method. You could identify familiar spelling patterns within the words! Keep practising!
I have been reading this book! It's starting to get good!
What are you reading? What do you want to read next?