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Year 1

Body signature
Turn and jumps (‘Spiderman’)

Year 2

Developed body signature, introducing fluidity
‘Spiderman’, Monkey flip

Year 3

Body signature, travelling using the space
‘Spiderman’, Monkey flip, Scorpion

Year 4

Body signature, in pairs, learning each other’s signatures – putting choreography together.
‘Spiderman’, Monkey flip, Scorpion, Handstand twist

Year 5

Body signature, in pairs, learning each other’s signatures – putting choreography together.
‘Spiderman’, Monkey flip, Scorpion, Handstand twist, Forward roll

Year 6

Body signature, in groups. Learn a choreographed routine from a choreographer, rehearse and perform to a “live” audience/film. Evaluate. ‘Spiderman’, Monkey flip, Scorpion, Handstand twist, Forward roll, all in unison.
