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Summer Term

Week Commencing: 15th April 2024


It's the Summer term!


We are feeling refreshed in Class 4 after a well-deserved break from school over the Easter holidays. We managed to raise £117 from our sweets in the jar fundraiser, and so we decided to buy a class set of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone. Thank you to all the boys, girls and adults who took part and donated! We are loving having our own copies to follow along with the story and also use as part of our whole-class reading lessons, but we think Mr Quinn (aka no.1 Harry Potter fan!) is the most excited - what do you think?


This week, we also started our new science topic with Mrs. Marshall 'Sound'. Here we are with our testing out our handmade creations outside in the playground.

Our new class novel has arrived... Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone!

Week Commencing: 22nd April 2024


This week, we started learning about a new sport in P.E. with Mr Quinn - bowls - not a sport very many of us have played before. However, there are some comparisons with bowling so we using those skills to help us with our body positioning and arm and hand movements.

Week Commencing: 29th April 2024


This week, we've been busy busy busy getting through our class novels - 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone' AND 'The Wild Robot'. Any free time throughout the day we've been dedicating to these two novels as the class are hooked! It is amazing to see a love for reading and stories grow throughout the class.


Later in the week we had some long overdue sunshine, so we decided to improvise some games during our afternoon break. Thanks for the chalk shapes, Class 6!

Week Commencing: 6th May 2024


This week, we've been rattling through our class novels 'The Wild Robot Escapes' and 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone'. During lesson transitions, we've also been reading our own books from the reading area. Who found the largest book? I think the winner is... Ross!

Week Commencing: 13th May 2024


This week, we finally found out the winners of our Eurovision Song Contest class competition. Congratulations to Abigail and Ana for their Switzerland win, and also a big well done to Willow for her Norway selection. Their prizes...? SWEETS! (and some colouring pencils). We also had some delicious Harry Potter inspired cupcakes to celebrate a birthday in Class 4 this week as well.

