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Week 7

Good morning Class 2. I hope you have had a lovely half-term break.


Monday 22nd February




Alternative Spelling - ee


Alternative Spelling - ee

Still image for this video
Read and discuss the words. Try and spell the words.

Alternative Spelling - ee



The Whales' Song - by Dyan Sheldon and Gary Blythe


Listen to the story.

Answer the questions about the story.


How did Lilly's grandmother describe the whales?


Where did Lilly's grandmother go to listen to the whales?


What special gift did Lilly's grandmother give to the whales?


Why did she give them a gift?


Why was Uncle Frederick angry?


What did Lilly dream about?


What gift did Lilly give to the whales?


Who came to find Lilly at the jetty?


What could Lilly eventually hear, in the distance?


How did this make her feel?


Tally Charts


Watch the videos below.

Example 1

Still image for this video

Example 2

Still image for this video

Example 3

Still image for this video

Example 4

Still image for this video
You may need to pause the video, when it's your turn to complete the task.
After watching the videos, complete the questions on the attachment.



Amelia Earhart


Click on the attachment, to learn about Amelia Earhart.

Amelia Earhart

Make your own fact file about Amelia Earhart.

Tuesday 23rd February




Alternative Spelling - ee

Alternative Spelling - ee

Still image for this video

Alternative Spelling - ee



Brian has written some sentences. Unfortunately, he has forgotten to use punctuation marks. I would like you to write out the sentences and put in the missing punctuation marks.




Today, we are going to be learning about pictograms. A pictogram is a chart that uses pictures or symbols to represent data. Watch the video below, to see an example.


I have attached a tally chart and pictogram, for you to complete. I would also like you to answer some questions about your pictogram. 

*If you don't have a printer, draw your pictogram on paper.



Today, we are going to be learning about transport around the world. Watch the attached PowerPoint.

Transport Around the World

What types of transport looked the most fun?


Which ones are better for the environment?  Explain your answer.


If you were going on a journey, what would you travel on?


Where would you travel to?


Draw a picture.



Wednesday 24th February



Alternative Spelling - ee

Alternative Spelling - ee

Still image for this video

Alternative Spelling - ee



The Whales' Song


Today, we are going to think about using conjunctions in our sentences. We use conjunctions to link parts of a sentence together.


The video below, will show you how to use different conjunctions.

Complete the activity sheets. You might want to create a new ending for each sentence.





Today, I would like you to work through the questions on the attachment. I would then like you to create your own pictogram. You might want to find out about favourite colours, toys or even sweets. Ask members of your family to help you. When you have found the information you need, create your own pictogram. I've attached a 'favourite toys' pictogram. You might want to use this, or just create one of your own.

Pictogram Questions


Changing Materials

Some objects can be changed by bending, stretching, squashing or squeezing them. Click on the attachment below. Can you find objects made from the different materials listed? Can these materials be changed by bending, stretching, squashing or squeezing?


Bend, Stretch and Squash

Thursday 25th February


Phonics - Alternative Spelling ee


Read and spell the words. Find different spellings in the silly story.

Alternative Spelling - ee



The Whales' Song


Today, I would like you to write a diary entry. Click on the attachment, for more ideas.

The Whales' Song - Diary



Today, I would like you to answer questions about pictograms. Click on the attachment.

Interpreting Pictograms



Days of the Week


We are learning how to say the days of the week.


Click on the attachment.

French - Days of the Week

Try and join in with the song.

Write the days of the week in French. Draw a picture to match each day. On Monday, I go running.



Friday 26th February


Don't forget our Friday Zoom meeting at 11:15am. We can't wait to see you!


Phonics - Alternative Spelling - ee


Complete the attached sheet. Look at each picture and write the word. Try and use the correct spelling for each word. 

I've included the answer sheet too. 

Alternative Spelling - ee



The Whales' Song


Today, we are going to think about a gift for the whales. Click on the attachment below, for ideas.

The Whales' Song - A Gift



Interpreting Data


I would like you to look at the attached pictogram. Fill in the missing parts and then answer the questions. Remember, each smiley face means 2 pupils. 

If you don't have a printer, draw the pictogram on paper.

Friday Maths


Please continue with Numbots and Times Tables Rock Stars



Work on number facts, times tables and division facts using Hit the Button.


Home Challenges


Spotty Dogs

Star Jumps