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Hi Nursery Class!


I hope you all had  a lovely rest last week when it was the half term holiday - what did you do? I went for lots of walks with Max the dog, we took him to a place called Plessey Woods where he enjoyed splashing in the river for the very first time! It was Mr Lisle's birthday and we had a barbecue in the garden because the weather was so lovely! I wonder what you have been up to...I miss seeing you all everyday still!


Can you believe we have had to start a new page for learning activities? I wonder if you can guess which minibeast we are going to be learning about next? This one is my big girl Chloe's favourite! She even used to have a onesie that she dressed up in for Nursery/Reception one day when she was little! Our Home Learning is going to look a little bit different from this week as I am going to give you a list of activities and the resources for you to pick and choose, which ones you would like to do and when you want to do them - a bit like a takeaway menu! You don't have to do them all (but you can if you want to) and try to get your grown ups to share with me what you have been doing each week, either on the class blog or by emailing pictures/videos of the things you have done!


I do hope you are continuing to have lots of fun at home and are being really good looking after your grown ups!


Love from

Mrs Lislesmiley

Home Learning Activities - Menu Week Beginning 1/06/20


Listen to the story of 'What the Ladybird Heard' and

What the Ladybird Heard Next' by Julia Donaldson


Paint the correct number of spots

onto ladybirds using fingers 


Find out some information about Ladybirds


 Paint a pebble to look like a Ladybird


What the Ladybird Heard Story

What the Ladybird Heard Next - Story Read Aloud

Take a Look Books! Books for use in Primary Schools. The next instalment of Julia Donaldson's amazing ladybird stories. Two naughty robbers, Lanky Len and He...

Good Morning Nursery children and families and

welcome to a new week of home learning!


As I mentioned last week for home learning, I will be putting on this class page a table of activities, with resources to support, for you to try throughout the week.  Choose the activities you like the sound of and also when you want to do them.  Please continue to communicate what you have been doing at home with me via the class blog, where you can upload photos of your children or by emailing me, where I will share your activities on the class page.


We are continuing our learning about ladybirds this week...I wonder if you have seen any? I saw one at school a couple of weeks ago which was red and it had lots of black spots on its body!  This week you can learn about the life cycle of a ladybird, do some ladybird handwriting tasks and another ladybird craft activity to try! Let me know how you get on and I will check in with you later on this week on the Nursery Class blog!


Have fun!


Love from

Mrs Lislesmiley

Home Learning Activities Menu - Week Beginning 8th June 2020

  Learn about the life cycle of a Ladybird and

complete using pictures.

Practise some letter formation onto

ladybird sheets

Match up pictures from the story

'What the ladybird heard' by Julia Donaldson

Can you retell the story using the pictures?

Listen to the story of 'The Bad Tempered Ladybird'

Can you make some story puppets by drawing pictures

and putting them onto lollypop sticks?

Counting to 10 ladybird addition

Do you know which numbers go together to make 10?


Cut out the shapes to make a ladybird - 

Can you name the shapes and talk about their 

properties including how many sides and corners?


Make a potato print ladybird or a

ladybird using a toilet roll tube

Learn the song '5 Little Ladybirds'


The Bad Tempered Ladybird

By Eric Carle Published by Puffin

Potato Print ladybirds

😊 Five Little Ladybirds| the UK Version | Popular Kids Songs from Dave and Ava 😊
