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Monday 18th January 2021.


Today in Phonics we are starting phase 5, we are going to be looking at the new grapheme ay.

I would like you to practise reading your read words using the slides below. There are quite a few so you might want to read them in a few sittings and come back to them later, some of them are quite tricky so you might need a grown up to help you. Then watch my first video to explain the new grapheme ay. Then I have uploaded a second video to show you how to read the new grapheme in words, I would like you to practise reading these words, you could make your own cards if you like. Then I would like you to try spelling some of the words that contain the ay sound. 



Segmenting and blending 'ay' words.

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Today we are going to practise writing the letters t and h together. The phrase we say is "The princess in the tower is rescued by the horse".

Watch the video below to see how to form the letters correctly, then practise writing your letters in the air and say the phrase, then have a go and write your letters on lined paper.


Modelling the letters t and h.

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Today in maths we are continuing adding numbers together, today we are going to be using the bar model method to find the whole number by adding the two parts together.

Watch the videos below and then complete the activity sheet. When you have done that try and draw your own bar model and write the four addition sentences to match.


Bar modelling-Example 1

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Bar modelling-Example 2

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Tuesday 19th January 2021.


In phonics today I would like you to revisit the sound 'ay' that I introduced yesterday.  We say ay when we see the two letters together a and y. The phrase we say for this grapheme is "may I play?"

You have four phonics tasks today:

1: Practise writing phase 3 graphemes from the list below. Ask your grown up to say the sounds and you then need to write each sound down on your paper.

2: Read through the ay words on the pink slides below. Talk with your grown up and make sure you know the meaning of each word.

3: Use the phoneme spotter to look for ay words in the text on the postcard. (I have added a video below to show you how to do this)

4: Select a word which contains the 'ay' sound and write a sentence containing this word.



'ay' Phoneme spotter.

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Today we are continue to add two groups of objects together and find the whole; the total. I have some word problems for you to try today.

This example shows 4 blue crayons and 3 red crayons make 7 crayons altogether. The parts are 4 and 3 and the whole is 7.

You can see the 4 addition sentences have been written to show this. I have added a sheet for you to complete if you have a printer, if not draw the objects using a coloured pencil or pen and write your addition sentences on paper.





At the end of The Three Billy Goat Gruff story the three billy goats are in the meadow of fresh green grass. 

Today I would like you to continue the story and write another page/section to the story. Where are they going to go next? Who might they meet? Will they see the troll again? Will they have to encounter any more challenges?

Add illustrations to your page when you have written your sentences.


Today I would like you to write me a fact file about Winter. What is the weather like? What clothes do we wear? Which festivals are in winter? Which months of the year are in winter? What happens to the leaves on many trees?

You probably know lots already. Ask your grown up to read through the slides below to learn some extra facts. Then write some sentences and draw some pictures to accompany your writing.


Wednesday 20th January 2021.



Today in Phonics we are going to be looking at the new grapheme 'ou'. First you need to practise spelling words from the list below:


Then watch my first video to explain the new grapheme 'ou'. Then I have uploaded a second video to show you how to read the new grapheme in words, I would like you to practise reading these words, you could make your own cards if you like. Then I would like you to try spelling some of the words that contain the 'ou' sound. 

Segmenting and blending 'ou' words.

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Today in maths is our final lesson on adding two parts together to find the whole number; the total.

I would like you to use all your knowledge you have gained from the past few days to complete these tasks. You can either print the sheets I have attached or draw each section on paper.  









In science today we are going to be describing materials. Take a look at the picture below, find items around your home and discuss your ideas with a grown up, then draw pictures of the items you found and add you adjectives too.


Thursday 21st January 2021.



In phonics today I would like you to revisit the sound 'ou' that I introduced yesterday.  We say 'ou' when we see the two letters together o and u. The phrase we say for this grapheme is "shout it out?"


You have four phonics tasks today:

1: Practise writing the tricky words from phase 4.

2: Read through the 'ou' words on the slides below. Talk with your grown up and make sure you know the meaning of each word.

3: Use the phoneme spotter to look for 'ou' words in the text. 

4: Select a word which contains the 'ou' sound and write a sentence containing this word.


Today in English I would like you to make a wanted poster for the troll. 

The troll was so unkind when he scared the goats and told them he was going to eat them up just because they wanted to cross the bridge and he needs to be caught and punished.

You need to include a description of the troll. What does he look like? what is he like as a character? Is he kind? Is he grumpy?

Where was he last seen? What should be do if we see him? Is there a reward for helping to find him? 

I have uploaded three different templates depending how you want to set your poster out. 



Today in maths we are going to looking at bar models as there has been some misconceptions.

First we are going to make bar models with cubes, You can use any construction blocks or even could use pieces of paper.

Next we are going to be completing some bar models using a templates which are attached below.

Finally I would like you to draw your own bar models using numbers to 10.

I have attached a video below to model how to do these three tasks.

Bar modelling.

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For PE today we are going to do some Yoga. I have attached the link below for the first workout I would like you to do, which has a link to our literacy text. Click on the picture below and it will take you to the workout.

After you have done the first yoga session, click on the picture below to take part in many other workouts. If you scroll down the page you can find a section which allows you to choose a session according to the amount of time you have.

Friday 22nd January 2021.


Today we are having a class zoom session at 11:30am. You should of had a code via email to allow you to join. It will be lovely to have everyone together again in these strange circumstances.

See you then!


In phonics we are going to consolidate our learning from this week. This week you have been introduced to two new graphemes 'ay' and 'ou'.

 Your first task today is to click on the picture below and play the phase 4 'Reading robot' game on phonics play. 


This week we started phase 5 and with each new phase comes a list of tricky words to read. You need to learn to read these words on sight as they are unable to be sounded out. I have added the words on slides below and also added some 'read and roll' mats to play a game if you have a dice. If you don't have a dice I have added a template that you could print and make then make your own or you could even make one with card in the same way.

Your next task is to practise reading real and nonsense words and sorting them into two groups. Follow the link on the picture below and play the 'Buried treasure' game from phonics play.

Your final task is to use the experience of playing trash and treasure to complete the sheet attached below by colouring the words in using two different colours.  



In maths today we are going to be adding more. We will be using the vocabulary "first", "then" and "now". You need to count how may objects you have first, then add more objects to the first group and then at the end count how many objects you have now (the total) I have added a video below to show you how to do this and I have added some slides to explain the challenge task. 

I have uploaded two different sheets to work through the first one you need to add the correct numbers for each section. The second task has a 2 next to it and is more of a challenge and you will need a grown to help you read the word problems.

Adding more.

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Today in English I would like you to change your story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff to create a new version. I have added a video below to model how to do this and then you can write your story up using the document added or write straight on paper or you could draw a new story map.

Changing the story.

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