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Welcome to Class 6!

We have had a lovely first week settling into our new class.


Next week, we will be electing this year's House Captains! Everyone will have the opportunity to stand for election. We have asked all the children who want to take part to prepare a short presentation to deliver to their house next Wednesday. This could be in the form of a speech, PowerPoint or poster. The children will be expected to think about what they would like to achieve as House Captain but also what qualities they have that would make them a good candidate.

We can't wait to hear them!

Here are some of the candidates presenting their manifestos to their houses. They all did very well!

Everyone who put themselves forward for House Captain elections did us proud. It is certainly not easy speaking in front of your whole house! On Friday afternoon we announced the successful candidates:


Chiara and Tabby


Niamh and Harry


Fearne and Nathan


In Science, we have been learning about light. We decided to make our own shadow puppets and put on our own shows!

Here we are reflecting light with our mirrored headbands!

This week we have been learning what is would have been like to be evacuated. Doing some drama and writing some stories. We will share some of our work here later.....

Here are some of our poems about evacuees. 


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Here are some pictures of us investigating an evacuees suitcase........

We love our toast!

Colour mixing to make a piece of Blitz Art.

The finished product!

Year 6 serving the school. Helping with younger readers and doing the guinea pig 'big clean'.

Tricky maths on the whiteboard! We have all been getting to grips with fractions.....

It's showtime!! Christmas rehearsals begin......

Our trip to the Discovery Museum

On the first day of the Spring term, we had a brilliant day at the Nissan factory learning what it is like to be engineers. I think some of us have found our vocation.....

Gymnastics club trials for year 5/6 competition.

Reading together

We have begun our Geography topic 'Our Changing World' where we have been learning about the causes and impact of climate change. We have also created and learnt a dance with the same theme. We will share the finish product soon!​​​​​​​

Dance project rehearsals

Creating a creature and attempting to classify them. Mammal? Vertebrate? Crustacean?

Filming of our 'Climate Change' dance....

Our House Captains have been working really hard as our new 'Waste Warriors!' Looking into how we acn waste less food at school. Keep an eye out for more information coming soon!

Hockey Tournament! Fun but freezing!

Working on a new book called 'The Arrival by Shaun Tan. Sketching ideas our ideas...

Paired reading for World Book Day!

Every day is world book day at St Bart's!

Our Changing World

The children have worked hard to create a piece to show the work we have been doing in Geography. It is a good mix between fun and sending a serious message. Enjoy!

Painting eggs!

Our session with Mr Restall. Learning all about how the heart works and dissecting some pig hearts.

It's the last few weeks before SATs! We are all working very hard and can't wait for what is to come!

Presenting mini projects on interesting themes!
