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Body Alignment

Year 1 - Plies

Plies in first position, ballet arms and feet in first and second position.

Year 2

Plies in 1st position and introducing 2nd position, ballet arms and feet from 1st to 3rd position. Tendue exercise and devant.

Year 3

Plies in 1st position and 2nd position, and on a rise, ballet arms and feet from 1st to 4th position. Tendue exercise, devant and second.

Year 4

Plies in 1st position and 2nd position, and on a rise, ballet arms and feet from 1st to 4th position. Tendue exercise, devant, second and derriere. Grand battement.

Year 5

Full plie exercise. Full tendue exercise. Full grand battement exercise. Full arms and feet positions.

Year 6

Introduce a travelling phrase. Chasse, pas de bourree, glissade, pas de chat.

Supplementary videos

Ballet Arms

All positions, including on a rise.

Tendue Exercises

Grand Battement Exercise
