Monday 1st February
Alternative Spelling - or
Watch the video below.
Read and discuss the words. Try and spell the words.
Our story this week is called Grandad's Island. It is written by Benji Davies.
Click on the link to listen to the story.
Answer the questions about the story.
What is the story called?
Where was Grandad's house?
Where did Syd find the key to Grandad's house?
What did Syd find in Grandad's attic?
What did they discover when they turned the handle of the metal door?
Where did the ship take them?
What did the island look like?
What was on the island to keep Grandad company?
What happened at the end of the story?
Did you enjoy the story?
To divide by sharing
Watch the videos below.
After watching the videos, complete the questions below. You may want to use objects to help you.
1 Star
8 divided by 2 =
4 divided by 2 =
10 divided by 2 =
6 divided by 2 =
2 Star
10 divided by 2 =
12 divided by 2 =
14 divided by 2 =
16 divided by 2 =
9 divided by 3 =
12 divided by 4 =
15 divided by 5 =
Extension - Have a go at the true or false questions
10 divided by 2 is 5
16 divided by 2 is 7
20 divided by 2 is 11
15 divided by 5 is 4
16 divided by 4 is 4
Journey Around the World
Today, we are going to be looking at a map of the world. I would like you to name the seven continents of the world. Click on the attachment below to find out about each continent. I have also attached a map for you to label the continents. If you don't have a printer, just point to each continent and tell your adult its name.
Tuesday 2nd February
Phonics - Alternative Spelling
Watch the video from yesterday to remind yourself about the story. Today, I would like you to write a description about Grandad. I want you to think about what he looks like, where he lives and what his character is like. Click on the attachment below, to help you with your description.
To divide by sharing
Watch the video from yesterday as a reminder. Today, we are going to continue to divide by sharing. Talk through each question with an adult. You may need some objects to help you.
18 divided by 2 =
22 divided by 2 =
16 divided by 4 =
30 divided by 3 =
15 divided by 5 =
If the questions are a little tricky, try sharing objects equally between two groups. You can use toys/objects in the house to do this.
6 divided by 2 =
PE and Maths
I would like you to get moving and learn your times tables at the same time!
Click on the links below.
Wednesday 3rd February
Phonics - Alternative Spelling
Watch the video below.
Grandad's Island
Watch the video of the story again. Today, I want you to imagine that you are going on a journey with Grandad. He is going to take you to his island. What would you take with you? Click on the attachment below for more ideas.
To divide by making equal groups
Watch the videos below. You may need counters/objects to help you with the questions.
Answer the questions below.
1 Star
Get 10 counters. Put them into equal groups of 2. How many groups?
Get 8 counters. Put them into equal groups of 2. How many groups?
Get 12 counters. Put them into equal groups of 2. How many groups?
2 Star
Get 16 counters. Put them into equal groups of 2. How many groups?
Get 20 counters. Put them into equal groups of 2. How many groups?
Get 9 counters. Put them into equal groups of 3. How many groups?
Get 20 counters. Put them into equal groups of 5. How many groups?
Get 18 counters. Put them into equal groups of 6. How many groups?
Grandad's Island
When Grandad got to his island, it looked like a jungle. He found lots of animals and colourful plants. I would like you to draw Grandad's island using either pencils, pens, crayons or paint. Just use whatever you have at home. I've included some pictures of the island for you to look at. Think about using lots of bright colours for the different animals. Look carefully at the shape of the leaves on the different plants. You might want to add some extra detail to your picture, that we don't see in the story. If you need help drawing your jungle animals, click on the video link underneath the pictures.
Thursday 4th February
Phonics - Alternative Spelling
Today, I would like you to continue to read and spell the words. Try and find different spellings in the silly story.
Expanded Noun Phrases
An expanded noun phrase is made up of a noun and at least one adjective. If you list more than one adjective to describe the noun, you should add a comma to separate them.
Watch the video below for some examples.
To divide by making equal groups
Watch the videos from Wednesday's lesson as a reminder.
Today, I would like you to complete the questions on the attachment. If you are finding them tricky, continue to practise making equal groups using objects/counters. For example, get 12 counters and put them into equal groups of 2. How many groups do you have?
Today, we are going to think about how cars have changed over the years. Click on the link below. The 'DK Find Out' page tells us all about cars over the years. If you click on a car, you can find out lots of information.
I would like you to make a fact file about one of the cars. Try and draw a picture of the car too.
Don't forget our Friday Zoom meeting at 11.15am. Remember to bring some work to share!
Friday 5th February
The Year 2 children are working hard with their fisherman sea dance. We can't wait to see what you are doing at home. Even Brian has done his own dance!
Today, I would like you to practise the alternative spelling for or. Click on the attached sheet. Look closely at each picture and write the word using the correct spelling. I've even included a new spelling for the or sound. An answer sheet is attached, to help with those tricky pictures.
Grandad's Island
Today, we are going to write about an adventure with Grandad. Click on the attachment to help with ideas.
Multiplication and Division
I would like you to complete the multiplication and division problems. Look carefully at each question and decide whether you need to multiply or divide. You can write your answers on paper.
Click on the attachment below, for your questions.
Don't forget to continue with Times Tables Rock Stars and Numbots
Today, I would like you to have a go at one of the science experiments. Try and send me some photographs of your investigations.
Next week, we will be starting our new science topic. We will be investigating different materials and their uses.