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Monday 11th January


Here is the second reading comprehension on the short story 'The Cave'. Make sure your answers are as clear as possible.

Cave Reading Comprehension 2


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Perimeter 2

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Perimeter Worksheet 3

Perimeter problems - challenge

Perimeter 3

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Perimeter 4

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Examples in pdf in case you can't open Powerpoint!


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Perspective 2

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Here is some Geography work looking at capital cities, countries, continents and flags. 
Tuesday 12th January
Today we are moving onto area. I hope you will find the video explanation helpful.


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Area 2

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Area 3

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Area 4

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The Cave - what happens next?

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Cave creative writing

Pizza party with friends | French - Virtually There: France

Food revision

We are revising French food and then trying to learn how to have a conversation in a shop/cafe or restaurant.

Please have a go at working out the English translations to these foods. Some are easy to guess!

Then look at the phrases that will help you order or buy food. The video will help you.

French - Food - Nourriture

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The focus for this term is Geography. We will hopefully start our topic when we are all together again but in the meantime, we need to start learning about the different countries, continents and oceans in the world.
Please use the internet to help you do the following.

Our world - continents and oceans

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PE with Mrs. C!

Okay everyone, time to MOVE! I've put together a 15-20 minute boxing based fitness session for you to do. You can either do it on your own, or grab someone else. You can use a skipping rope for the warm up or do something else that raises your heartrate. Grab a water bottle, a timer/stopwatch and put on some great TUNES to work to! (In school we've been skipping along to the Rocky soundtrack!) blush

You can repeat this throughout the week as many times as you can. yes


Wednesday 13th January


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For Maths today, we are going to be practising finding the area and perimeter using decimal numbers. Watch the video below and then have a go at answering these questions: 

L = 56cm

W = 3.4m


L = 45mm 

W = 6.7mm


L = 89m 

W = 5.9m


L = 29cm

W = 4.2cm


L = 567mm

W = 5.7mm




Area 2

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Today we are looking at a new extract. Watch the video below.

Extract 1

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Extract 2

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Extract 1

Who is this? Why is he famous?

The sheet below looks at different sorts of nouns. Have a go at sorting them into categories.


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There, their and they're

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The answers are also included in the next sheet so don't look! When you have finished, see if you can write your own sentences using there, their and they're.

Antonyms and synonyms

French conversation and vocab : At the restaurant (au restaurant)

Learn some vocabulary about food and drinks, listen to a French conversation and learn how to order at the restaurant.Please share, like and subscribe !-----...

This term we are going to be looking at the 'BBC Ten Pieces'. The first piece of music is George Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue. I would like you to listen to and read the information on the website about the composer.

When we listen and appraise a piece of music we think about the following:







For this piece, see if you can see and hear the different instruments that are playing and that are featured. What do you think about the piece and why? What style of music is it?

Complete the worksheets on the different families of instruments below. Enjoy! 

George Meets the Orchestra | An Introduction to the Orchestra for Children

George is going to meet an orchestra for the first time! He wants to learn an instrument - but which one? Follow George as he chats with players of the Sydne...

Instruments of the orchestra - name them and their families

RE with Mrs. C!

Happy Wednesday year 6! Remember our RE work before Christmas, I know that seems like an age ago.

Here's a quick reminder -







Thursday 14th January
Look forward to seeing you all at 10:00am tomorrow for our first Zoom!
Today, we will be continuing with area but for those of you that would like to also revisit and practise long division, I have posted a video to take you through the stages. I hope it's helpful.

Long division 1

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Long division 2

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345 divided by 12

567 divided by 45

976 divided by 17

823 divided by 13

234 divided by 65


Try to answer using decimal remainders if you can. If you find this tricky, just use remainders for now and keep watching the video example so we can try decimal remainders later. 

Watch today's video to find out how to find the area and perimeter of compound shapes. 

The sheet I will be discussing is sheet number 3. If you don't have a printer, please draw out the shapes.

Compound area

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Compound perimeter

Area and perimeter questions

Watch this after trying the problems - here is how to work out a few of the tricky ones!

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Another solution

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Oliver twist - story part 1

The Victorian Workhouse

The Victorian Poor Law Act made homelessness and unemployment a case for the workhouse. To avoid starvation the poor had to live and work in these haunting b...

Oliver Twist 1

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Oliver Twist 2

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Oliver Twist 3

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A Science Challenge from Mrs. M!

Y6 week 2 Challenge ( (1).mp4

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To finish off our topic on Electricity I have included a link below to some fun activities on the BBC website for you to look at.
Friday 15th January
Don't forget - Zoom today at 10:00am!

Area of triangles

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This may take several minutes. Once the processing is complete, the video will be shown here.

Today I would like you to complete a 12 x 12 mixed times table grid and time yourselves!

Here is an example but if possible, I would like you to draw your own to practise your ruler skills

Don't forget to go on Times Table Rock Stars! Email me if you have forgotten your login!



Rewatch the video about the Victorian workshouses and answer this question by writing a paragraph:

Why were workhouses nicknamed 'prisons of the poor?'

Use the video and the internet as evidence to use in your answer.


English video introduction

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Why were workhouses also called 'prisons of the poor?'

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Oliver! (The Musical) (1968) Food Glorious Food

Watch this as it gives you another impression of what it was like in a Victorian workhouse.


Workhouse information

Spelling test - just watch and write answers on paper. No need to print!

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This may take several minutes. Once the processing is complete, the video will be shown here.

French animal revision

Look up these animals using Google translate and find them in the wordsearch

Pets in French (basic French vocabulary from Learn French With Alexa)

Alexa teaches you some basic French vocabulary: PETS in French. SUPPORT GUIDE and EXCLUSIVE VIDS at ►

Europe research

Choose one of the cities from the sheet above. Research the city using the internet or books if you have any. Find out about any sites, local food, climate, location.

When you have collected the information, make a poster to persuade people to visit the city. Think about using persuasive phrases on your poster.
