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This week's BBC Bitesize home learning schedule

Today's Maths Worksheets - Making amounts of Money

Today's English Worksheet - Reading and Understanding text

The next part in our story.. Maps

Good morning Year 4, Mr. Quinn here. How was everyone's weekend? I had a very hectic few days moving into my new house. Have a go at today's BBC Bitesize Maths and English lessons I have posted here on our class page. You will notice we are now onto page 6 of our home learning site. For the next part in our trolls story, I want you to design a map of the kingdom from the story. We did a similar activity in Geography last term where we designed our own map of a river. You may want to do it in 2D or 3D, label the different sections or create your own key. The choice is yours I want you to put as much effort into your map designs as possible.


Please get in touch with me either by email or on our class blog if you have any questions. 


Missing you all and I am so proud of the work you have all been doing at home.


Mr. Q laugh

Compare and order amounts of money - Maths

Enjoying Reading: Book Review - English

The next part in our story...

An amazing drawing of a kingdom by Federico!

Estimating Money - Maths

National Writing Day Challenge!


It’s National Writing Day today and the aim is to get everyone writing creatively! Today, I would love you to take part in a 24/7 challenge.There are three rules:


1. You are going to write a brilliant 24-word short story.

2. Your story must start with the words ‘One day’.

3. You will write it in just 7 minutes!


Make sure you send in your work by email, on our class blog or using the uploads platform. I can't wait to read your stories.


Mr. Q laugh





PE from Mrs C! Have a go at this challenge on Thursday 25th June at 10am. I'll be doing this with the children from the Key Worker bubble too!

Solving Money Problems - Maths

Creating a Character - English

This week's BBC Bitesize Schedule

Interpreting Charts - Maths

Good morning Year 4, it's Monday again! 


How was everyone's weekend? I have settled into my new house well and finally unpacked the last box đźŹ . Have a go at today's BBC Bitesize maths and English lessons, where you will notice there is no worksheet for the suffixes activity. Instead, Bitesize have made this an online lesson where you complete the activities in different stages. I have also added the next part in our trolls story. 


Keep up the amazing work, I am so proud of you all.


Mr. Q 

The next part in our story...đź“š

A lovely picture of the boys out enjoying the sun with their bikes.

Good morning Class 4. Here are today's lessons from BBC Bitesize. You will notice there is no worksheet for today's English as Bitesize have made this an online activity.


You can access this lesson here:


Keep up the amazing work everyone.

Mr. Q

Family members in French

More amazing work sent in from our amazing class!

Introducing Line Graphs - Maths

Writing a Letter - English

Line Graphs - Year 4

Good morning Year 4. Here are today's lessons from BBC Bitesize where you will notice there is no downloadable worksheet for English. This is because Bitesize have made this an online only lesson where you have to follow the information on the page to complete the task. 


On Monday, I will be adding a new page with the next set of lessons as this one is getting rather full.


Keep up the hard work and see you all soon!


Mr. Q laugh
