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Page 2 - November

A great big 'THANK YOU'

for your generosity, in supporting this very worthy cause!


Today was 'Children in Need Day'. We got to wear our pyjamas to Nursery, make (and eat) spotty biscuits and had our faces painted with spots!

This week at Nursery we have been doing activities

to support our learning of Nursery rhymes for;


'World Nursery Rhyme Week 2022'


We have had to learn 5 Nursery rhymes including, Row, row, row your boat, Twinkle twinkle little star, Five little speckled frogs, 1,2,3,4,5 Once I caught a fish alive and BINGO.

 Check out the resources below and see if your child can recite the rhymes (and actions) to the songs!

We worked with a partner to sing the rhyme 'Row, row, row your boat' and made our very own class ship outside!

We acted out our Number rhymes for Maths week and made some playdough frogs!

We held a 2 minutes silence to think about the soldiers and then made a poppy cross.

This week at Nursery we learnt all about Remembrance Day. We made our own poppies, cutting out shapes.

We have been learning this Shape song at Nursery.

Can your child sing along? 

Can they recognise and name the shapes?

Shapes song for kids | The Singing Walrus

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We have been learning shape names and making pictures.

Drawing pictures and writing our names

The question of the week at Nursery is...

Where do seeds come from?

We looked at pumpkins and conkers and compared them in size and weight - do you know which is heavier?
