Spring Term Home Learning
Monday 1st March
Maths Revision
I want you to practise your 3 times table. This task should take about 10 minutes.
I want you to learn the following spellings.
After you have learnt them, try using the words in a sentence.
I want you to read the extract and answer the questions. There are some inference, retrieval and vocabulary questions for you to answer.
Today, I want you to write a diary entry about going to Mr and Mrs Twit's house for tea. When you write your diary entry, remember to:
Today, I want you to find you to sort flags into groups using horizontal and vertical lines. It is important to remember that:
Task 1
Cut out the flags and sort them into the following groups:
Task 2
After you have sorted the flags into the correct groups, I want you to design your own flag that has horizontal and vertical lines.
Mrs Billington's English Group
Mrs Billington's group have been learning about 'ue' and 'aw' words. I want you to learn the following spellings.
After you have learnt them, try using the words in a sentence.
Piet Mondarin was a Dutch painter, who studied at the Amsterdam Academy. His early paintings were realistic landscapes, but by the early 1920's he had developed an abstract style of painting. Mondarin's style is based on what he regarded, as the superior horizontal and vertical lines. I want you to create your own picture in the style of Mondarin.
Maths Revision
I want you to convert metres and centimetres. This task should take about 10 minutes.
Before you complete the written task, I want you to read the next part of The Twits, and answer the following questions.
I would like you to create a fact file about the RSPCA. When you create your fact file, you may want to answer the following questions:
Today, I want you to identify parallel and perpendicular lines in 2-D shapes. Watch the video's then complete the wok sheets.
Parallel Lines
Perpendicular lines
Maths Revision
I want you to convert centimetres and millimetres. This task should take about 10 minutes.
I want you to read the extract and answer the questions. There are some inference, retrieval and vocabulary questions for you to answer.
Today, I want you to write a paragraph about the Muggle-Wumps, and how they were treated by Mr and Mrs Twit. When you write your paragraph, remember to use adjectives, conjunctions and prepositions. I have included a writing frame and word bank to help you.
Today, I want you to describe the properties of 3-D shapes. When you are describing the properties of 3-D shapes, remember that:
Watch the videos, then complete the worksheets.
Maths Challenges
RE with Mrs. C!
Happy Wednesday year 3!
Two things for you to do today:
1. Watch the video - link below
2. Watch the PowerPoint and complete your task.
Class 3 will be having another Zoom meeting at 2:45pm on Friday. During this meeting, I want you to talk about your favourite book, author or character from a book.
Don't forget to go on Times Tables Rock Stars. You can also practise your times tables using Hit the Button.
I want you to read the extract and answer the questions. There are some inference, retrieval and vocabulary questions for you to answer.
Today, I want you to sort 3-D shapes and compare their properties. When you sorting the shapes into groups, remember that:
Task 1
Use the Carroll diagram to sort the 3-D shapes.
Task 2
Use the (<),(>) and = symbols to compare 3-D shapes.
Today, I want you change a letter from the past tense into the present tense. After you have read the letter, I would like you read the next part of The Twits.
Its World Book Day today, and I would like you to complete some of the activities below:
Book Cover Quiz.
How many books can you name from their covers?
Today, I want you to find the similarities and differences between two 3-D shapes. When you are finding the similarities and differences, you need to think about the shape's, faces, edges and vertices. Watch the video, then complete the questions below.
Today, I want you to write a letter to the RSPCA, telling them how badly Mr and Mrs Twit treated the Muggle-Wumps. When you write your letter, remember to use these key features:
I have included a writing frame and word bank to help you.
Maths Revision
I want you to practise column addition and decomposition. This task should take about 15 minutes.
I want you to read the extract and answer the questions. There are some inference, retrieval and vocabulary questions for you to answer.