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Week 3- 18/1/21

Spring Term Home Learning

18th January 2021



I want you to learn the following spellings.




After you have learnt them try using the words in a sentence.


Today, I would like you add money using the part-part whole model and bar models. Watch the videos then answer the questions.

Task 1 - part-part whole. 

Maths 1

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Maths Task 2 - bar models 

Maths 2

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Maths Challenges 

English Writing Task

Today, you are going to be using your story board to write a short story about how Willow got to the cave. I want you to watch the video before you start your writing and I have included a story opener to help you with your writing. 

Story Opener- if you need to use it. 


When Willow woke up, the sun was creeping slowly above the distant horizon and he remembered that Bull had threatened to kill him the night before. Quietly, Willow gathered the essential supplies his mother had given him and set of for the deserted cavern.



I would like you to read the extract and answer the questions. There are some inference and retrieval questions for you to answer. 



Bonjour Class 3. I want you to draw the weather for each picture using the word bank to help you. 

Tuesday 19th January 

Maths Revision


I would like you to practise the 4 times table. This task should take about 10 minutes.



Today, I would like you to find totals up to £10 using diagrams and bar models. Watch the videos then answer the questions.

Maths Task 1

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Table for Maths task 1






Maths 2

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Science - The Human Skeleton (19.01.21)

This week in Science I have added a video for you to watch all about skeletons. The first part of the video will be a reminder of what you looked at last week and is about the different types of skeletons. I would like you to watch the video up to 19mins 45seconds (don't worry if you want to watch it until the end but we will only be looking at the bones in the skeleton this week).

Once you have watched the video, I would like you to complete the 'Label the skeleton' worksheet. If you need any extra help with this take a look at the other links I have added below. Once you're finished labelling your skeleton, why not have a go at making a moving skeleton.

Have fun learning about our bones class 3! 

Mrs M smiley  

Task Sheet - Label the skeleton

Find out more.

Making a Moving Skeleton

Test your Knowledge of Skeletons with this quiz!



I want you to read chapter 7,watch the video and answer the questions.




Still image for this video

1)Why was it warmer in the cave than the village?

2) Why do you think Willow wanted to remember Flint?

3) How do you know the paintings were pleasing the spirits? List

two reasons.

4) Why was it a good idea to build a fence at the end of the


5) How would Rainbow feel when Bull arrived the cave?

6) Why do you think Rainbow rose to her feet?

7)What would happen if Bull harmed Willow while he was in the

care of the spirits?

8) What do you think worried Bull the most?


PE with Mrs. C!

Happy Tuesday year 3! I know you don't usually do PE with me on a Tuesday but I thought I would put your session on, then you can repeat it as many times as you want/can throughout the week. yessmiley



Mrs Billington's English Group


Mrs Billington's group have been describing a setting using adjectives. Take a look at the image and write six sentences using the example to help you. 


The man had a brown and white dog. 



Mrs Billington's  Maths Group


Mrs Billington's group have been adding money in any order. Watch the video then answer the questions. 


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3p+4p=     so  4p+3p=

14p+2p=   so  2p+4 p=

23p+5p=   so  5p+23p=

42P+7p=   so  7p+42p=

53p+ 6p=  so  6p+53p= 


Wednesday 20th January 



Today, I would like you to practise using inverted commas and other punctuation marks. When you copy out the sentences please will you use a coloured pencil for the inverted commas and other punctuation marks. 



I would like you to read the extract and answer the questions. There are some inference, retrieval and vocabulary questions for you to answer. 

Stone Age Axe


Axes were essential tools for survival in the Stone Age used mainly for hunting and scavenging. A stone axe head was attached to a handle or ‘haft’ to make it easier to use.


Today, I would like you to add money crossing the boundary of 10. Remember the maximum number you can have in any column when adding numbers is 9. Watch the videos then answer the questions.

Maths 1

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Maths Task 1


Use the pounds,tens and ones grid and column addition to answer the following questions. 

£ 6.58+£2.27=

£ 3.22+£5.56=



Maths 2

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Maths Task 2


Use column addition to answer the following questions.






Maths Challenges

Mrs Billington's English Group


Mrs Billington's group have been describing characters from the Flintstones using adjectives. Take a look at the image, and write 6 sentences using the example to help you. 


Dino had black spots on his purple back.  



Mrs Billington's  Maths Group


Mrs Billington's group have been finding missing numbers when adding money. Watch the video then answer the questions.

Missing Numbers

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Missing Numbers


1) 13p + ____ = 17p

2) 24p + ____= 29p

3) 32p + ____ = 35p

4) 43p + ____ = 49p

5) 51p + ____ = 59p



RE with Mrs. C!

Happy Wednesday year 3! I hope you're having a great week. I miss you all! 

We are continuing to learn about Noah this week. Please watch the video below. smiley







Please watch this next.



Thursday 20th January

Maths Revision


I would like you to practise your place value skills. This task should take about 10 minutes.



A landmark is an object or feature of a landscape or town that is easily seen and recognized from a distance. Before you plot where famous landmarks are located, I would like you to complete the following tasks:

  • On the blank map draw the borders separating each country. 
  • Colour England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland on the map using a different colour.
  • Label the North Sea, English Channel and Irish Sea on the map. 
  • Use a key to show where each landmark is located on the map. For example, you may want to draw a circle for Buckingham Palace and a triangle for the Titanic. 


Don't forget to go on Times Tables Rock Stars. If you can't remember your login details let me know.


Today, I would like you to add money crossing the boundary of 10 and 100. Remember the maximum number you can have in any column when adding numbers is 9. Watch the videos then answer the questions.

Maths 1

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Maths 2

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Today, I would like you  to write a letter from Willow to Bull expressing his concerns about returning to the tribe. Before you do this, I want you to read the rest of Chapter 7 and watch the video. I have included an example of how to start a letter.

Hi Bull,

I am writing to you because I am still worried about returning to the tribe.  When you came to the cave I thought you were there to  kill me .


I know you said that we have been friends since we were small but I am still struggling to believe and trust you.  You have changed so much over the years Bull. All you care about is being the new chief of the tribe and the best hunter and I think this is really selfish.

Mrs Billington's English Group


Mrs Billington's group have been learning about the 'ng' and 'ow' sounds today. Take a look at at the pictures below and write some sentences about them. 


The brown owl was sitting in a tree. 

Mrs Billington's  Maths Group


Mrs Billington's group have been solving word problems involving money. Watch the videos then answer the word problems.

Word Problems

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Friday 22nd January



Today, I would like you to carry out some research and answer some questions about a famous children's author. Who is it I hear you ask? Watch the video and find out....

You need to answer these questions using the Roald Dahl website.


1) When and where was he born?

2) What school did he go to?

3) What did he trial at school?

4) What countries did he travel to?

5) What did he do during World War 2?

6) How was he injured during the war?

7) What book did he publish in 1961?

8) In what decade did he publish The Twits and Revolting Rhymes?

9) When did he die and how old was he?

Stone Age Jewellery


Stone Age people started making jewellery not long after they started making weaponry. Their jewellery included beads on necklaces and bracelets, pendants and hair pins. They made these beads from shells, animal teeth, animal bones or stones. They would then thread these beads onto string often made from plant stems or thin strips of animal hide. I would like you to make you own jewellery using salt dough and string. 



I would like you to read the extract and answer the questions. There are some inference, retrieval and vocabulary questions for you to answer. 



Today, I would like you to subtract money by partitioning the numbers into pounds and pence and finding the difference between two values. Watch the videos then answer the questions.

Maths 1

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Maths 2

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Maths Challenges

Mrs Billington's  Maths Group


Mrs Billington's group have been subtracting money using coins and diagrams. Watch the videos then answer the questions.

Video 1

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Video 2

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