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Welcome to a new week Class 4. Below is the link to the BBC Bitesize lessons for this week.

Week 5 - BBC Bitesize Lessons


The Maths lessons this week will help you to complete the next section, on Fractions, in your Power Maths booklet and Wednesday's English lesson will help improve your sentence structures using subordinate clauses to extend simple sentences so that your writing will become even better.

Mrs Marshall smiley

Oak National Academy English lessons


These English lessons this week focus on Non-chronological reports and also look at extending simple sentences using conjunctions so why not take a look at these 5 lessons by following the link above and selecting the English lessons. Maybe you could write Mr Quinn and I a non-chronological report on a topic that you find exciting and interesting!

Happy writing Class 4.

Meet an Anglo-Saxon Warrior

In this video we are introduced to Osmund an Anglo-Saxon warrior, who explains what life is like in Britain during this time. I want you to recount 5 points raised by Osmund about Anglo-Saxon life. Remember, write your answers in full sentences using the key words used in the video explanation.


Make sure you share your work using our new blog, Mrs. Marshall and I would love to see what you find out from the video.


Mr. Quinn laugh

What is happening in this picture?

You may have seen this picture already on our class blog. I want you all to see if you can guess what is happening in this picture.


Who are the people? What are they doing? Where was this picture taken?


Good luck! yes


Mr. Quinn 

Science - Guess What I am! Picture 2

This is the second picture clue for our 'Guess what I am!' activity. The camera has moved out to reveal a little more of the picture. Do you think you know what it is yet? If you've guessed already are you going to change your mind? Let me know your guesses on our class blog and I'll post another picture tomorrow on our class page. Keep guessing!


Good morning class 4, This weeks Maths is all about fractions and if you need more help then I have given you a link to the White Rose website which has video lessons on equivalent fractions and also a lesson on yesterday's work on tenths and hundredths. There are two lessons to help you today and they link to this week's BBC Bitesize lessons and your Power Maths book. Please take a look at them if you need more help.


Science - Guess What I am! Picture 3

Science - Guess what I am! Final Pictures

Here are the final pictures of our challenge! Did you guess correctly? It was the centre of the daisy plant, well done to Annalisa and Federico for guessing that it is the part of the flower which produces and holds the pollen. Annalisa guessed this on the very first picture so well done.

Now a little bit of information about the daisy.


The daisy is a common flowering plant that can be found in grasslands, meadows, gardens and urban areas. There are around 4000 species of daisies that are different in size, shape and colour.

The yellow centre of a daisy is called the flower head. This is often thought to be one piece; however, it is made up of many individual tiny flowers called disc flowers or florets. They have a tubular shape with a rounded head. The disc flowers contain the reproductive parts of the plant and are responsible for producing pollen and the formation of new seeds.


A new Science Challenge

There are lots of daisies growing on lawns and in fields at the minute, I would like you to go and find a daisy flower and carefully draw a detailed picture of it. (You don't need to pick the flower!). Once you've drawn your picture try to find the names of each part of the plant and label your Scientific drawing. I'd then like you to find out a little bit about each part and what it does and add this to your diagram. Remember, Scientific drawings should be clear and accurate and you should label them using a ruler! Make your drawings as accurate as you can by adding colour to them. Once you've completed your drawing why not share it with the rest of the class by uploading it to our class page or taking a photograph of it and adding it to a blog. Mr Quinn and I look forward to seeing your drawings.smiley



Half term Science - 'Guess what I am!'
