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Monday 25th January

Problem of the day

Line graph 1

Line Graphs

Line Graphs teaching video

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Watch this clip of Fagin and notice the 'treasure' he has in the box. What kinds of things do you think are in there? What might he have stolen from rich ladies and gentlemen?

Ron Moody-Reviewing the Situation

Activity: Story Sale


Choose an object from Oliver Twist and advertise - write a “For Sale notice”

e.g. For Sale - The golden pendant. Straight from the treasure box of Fagin, the genuine article...    (Silk scarf, Jewelled watch ….)

Edit and Refine: Check you have used good descriptive language and be persuasive – you are trying to sell it!

Items you could try and sell.....

For sale template

My advert example

Advert teaching video

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Advert teaching video 2

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Equator and tropics

Equator and tropics worksheet

I am going to start using French instructions in the classroom as your French teacher at High school will do this. We have been practising in class. Have a go at listening to these and remembering some of them!

French Classroom instructions - 25 French commands to help you understand your French teacher !

Classroom instructions - practise writing them and saying them

Tuesday 26th January

Problem of the day

Problems of the day

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Interesting true or false ongoing maths investigations

Line graphs

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Begin to record words that you have collected while learning about Oliver Twist and the Victorian period. Write them in groups depending on what type of word they are. These will help you with your writing.

Adjectives                  Nouns                   Verbs                  Adverbs


Where would the words copper, pauper, workhouse, pickpocketed go?

You may have learnt more words from watching the videos and listening to the audio version of the story.

Listen to part 3

Oliver Twist part 3

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See if you can identify what apps/social media platforms these logos represent and the age restriction. Google the answer - you might be surprised. Why do you think these apps have these restrictions?



You will all be sent an email with a login and password to access the website below. On there are a few music lessons you might enjoy trying.



PE with Mrs. C!

Happy Tuesday year 6! Here is PE for this week - get those boxing gloves ready and let's go! smiley





Wednesday 27th January

Problem of the day

Problems of the day

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Problems of the day 2

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Before we do some more work on line graphs, we will revise long multiplication. If you are still struggling to remember your times tables, you must make sure you spend some time every day practising these. Use 'Hit the Button' or Times Table Rock Stars'.

Here are some calculations to practise (I will put up a video to model the method below). 


345 x 56

765 x 89

234 x 12

975 x 99

654 x 78

2345 x 45

8769 x 98

2367 x 67

Long multiplication

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Sunflower line graphs

Still image for this video

Sunflower line graph questions

Diary Writing


A diary is a personal record of events, thoughts, and feelings. It is usually arranged in chronological order - the order in which things happen in.

It can be handwritten and private, published for sale or might be uploaded to the internet as a blog. It could also take the form of a video diary or vlog.

A diary can be many things – a place to keep private thoughts, a record of events, or simply an entertaining story. We can read them to compare emotions and experiences with others or to experience a stranger's world.

A successful diary might not sell millions of copies or even be published at all. It might simply be passed on to future generations, help us to focus on our lives, work out our thoughts and values, and see how we change as we grow older.

Watch this clip to find out how to write a successful diary.

Oliver Diary writing introduction

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This next activity is to stretch over the next few days as you are being asked to write 4/5 diary entries.

Activity: Diary entries

Imagine you are Oliver Twist. Write 4-5 diary entries

Arrival in London (Scene of London street)

Meeting with Artful Dodger

Training ‘To pick a pocket or two’ with Fagin


Edit and Refine: Check you have added thought s and feelings. Check you have made your writing historically accurate.

Diary example 1.

Diary writing example video

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Oliver [1968] - Consider Yourself [Full Song and Choreography]

Consider Yourself.
See what London was like to Oliver when he first arrived.

Create a poster to encourage children to stay safe online. Use the ideas from the video and there are some more below:

Keeping safe online

What information should this person not have shared on her profile page....?

Find the location of the Seven Wonders of the World and, if you have a printer, stick them on the map. Now write a paragraph about each of them.



RE with Mrs. C!

Happy Wednesday year 6! Enjoy RE! smiley



Thursday 28th January

Problem of the day

Problems of the day

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Problems of the day

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Try these quizzes on factors and multiples

Factors and multiples

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Sorting numbers

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Oliver! I'd Do Anything (Musical 1968)

Keep going with the diary entries you started yesterday. Think about when Oliver would be writing these and how he would be feeling at each stage in the story. Make sure you have listened to all of 'Part 3'.

If you fancy a challenge, these are tricky. Choose a few of these questions to answer in full sentences. Be as clear as you can, referring to the text for evidence.

Spelling rule 1. How many more words can you think of?

Don't forget Zoom tomorrow at 10:00am! Same login details.....

Science - Classification (28.01.21)

Hi Class 6, I hope that enjoyed classifying the animals in your zoo last week. This week I would like you to research Carl Linnaeus, the scientist who developed the single method of classification that scientists still use today. I have included some links to information which you might want to use or maybe you can find out some facts of your own. Once you have researched, your task is to create a factual poster to display your research. Remember a poster should provide information in a clear and interesting way. I have included a link to an  example for you to look at. I look forward to seeing your work. 

Mrs M.smiley

Carl Linnaeus Information sheet

Why not find out more about the work of Carl Linnaeus and classification using the websites below?
Friday 29th January

Problem of the day

Problems of the day

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Problems of the day

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Complete a 13 x 13 mixed times table grid and time yourselves.
Have a go at these questions on prime numbers, factors and multiples

Factors, multiples and primes

Multiples, factors and primes

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Multiples, factors and primes

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Multiples, factors and primes

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Write diary entry 3. If you haven't done a diary entry when Oliver arrived at Mr Brownlow's house, do this today. If you have, choose another time that Oliver would write in his diary.

We looked at pictures of Fagin's den and compared it to the house of Mr Brownlow. What would Oliver think of his house? Start by thinking of some adjectives to describe each setting.

 If you haven't already, have a go at some of the reading comprehension questions I posted yesterday.

Comparing Mr Brownlow's house with Fagin's den

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Climate zones

Don't forget to log in to the music website below!

