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Thursday 1st July 2021

Here is this week homework Class 4. Remember, if you find any of the sheet too difficult, just have a go and try your best!


Mr Q laugh

Thursday 17th June 2021

Hello Class 4, here is this week's homework. Remember, you have a week to complete this and it must come back into school, before next Thursday.


Thursday 10th June 2021

Here is this week's homework class 4. 

Thursday 20th May 2021


Here is this week's homework Class 4. Remember to bring it into school before next Thursday.

Friday 18th December 2020


As it is the last week of term, there is no homework being set this week. However, keep practising your times tables and do some reading at home over the holidays.


Hope you all enjoy your presents from Mrs Skelton and I.


Merry Christmas Class 4 🎅 🎁 🎄


Mr Quinn laugh




Friday 11th December 2020




Have a go at these measurement questions: 


200 cm = ___ m            5 km = ____ m                         20 mm = ___ cm 

5 m = ____ cm              4000 m = ____ km                    8 cm = _____ mm 

9 m = ____ cm              1500 m = ____ km                    5 mm = ____ cm 


Extension Challenge!

Below, there is a PDF document titled 'Measurements Extension' with some extension questions. You can either print the worksheets and fill them in, or write the answers on a sheet of paper. 


Keep practising your times tables on Rockstars and Numbots. You might even want to practise using the speed test website we have been using in the computer suite on Friday afternoons. Here is the link:




Practise the following 6 spellings and see if you can put each of them into a sentence. Remember the steps: look, cover, write, check, repeat. 











I would like you to create a mind map about everything you have learnt about the Celts and the Romans this term. Make sure to mention: Why the Romans invaded Britain, why the Romans built Hadrian's wall, the reaction from the Celts, Queen Boudicca's rebellion and Julius Caesar's attempts to conquer Britain.

Friday 4th December 2020




Keep practising your times tables on Times Table Rockstars or Numbots. As we have been working on our 7's and 9's this week in Maths, have a go at these questions:



4 x __ = 28                        28 ÷ 7 = __ 

40 x 7 = __                        280 ÷ 7 = __

__ x 7 = 2800                    __ ÷ 7 = 400


Put these multiplies of 7 in order from the smallest to the largest.

14, 7, 28, 21, 35, 49 



9 x 7 = __                 630 ÷ 90 = __

63 ÷ 9 = __              6300 ÷ 900 = __

9 x 7 x 10 = __         9 x 12 x 10 = __


Put these multiplies of 9 in order from the smallest to the largest.

36, 45, 27, 18, 54, 9 




I would like you to come up with your own riddle using rhyming couplets. It can be about anything - you decide! If you are stuck for an idea, why not come up with your own riddle for Buddy the elf? Remember, the last word on the first sentence must rhyme with the last word on the following sentence. Some examples of rhymes are: beast and feast, high and sky, forever and together. 




Have a go at creating your own menu for a Roman banquet. You can make up your own starters, main courses and desserts. You may even want to make a price list for the items and include some special offers? It is always useful to practise your understanding of currency and money whenever you can!


Friday 27th November 2020



Have a go at the following problem solving questions which focus on your 6 times table knowledge. Read the question carefully and have a piece of paper to work out the calculations. 



Times Tables

Keep practising your times tables on either Times Table Rockstars or Numbots please. Choose one you aren't as confident with and try and beat your score. Remember, the more you practise the more confident you will become with your times tables.



I would like you to come up with your own character for a new story - just like what we did this week in class as part of our Live Tales project. Remember to include the character's name, a character description, the setting of the story and a short plot (or blurb). 


Friday 20th November 2020




I would like you to write your own poem about a dragon you have created. I would like the poem written using stanzas (paragraphs) made up of 4 lines.


Remember, a comma goes at the end of the first sentence and a full stop goes at the end of the second sentence. Your poem should contain at least 3 of these language features: alliteration, personification, onomatopoeia, a metaphor or a simile. Challenge yourself by including all 5 of these language features in your poem.




I would like you to do some research and find out as much information as you can about Queen Boudicca. Who was Queen Boudicca? Which tribe did she belong to? Why was she a significant figure in Roman Britain?



I would also like you to have a go at problem solving questions below. You can answer the questions on a sheet of paper or in a notebook. 

Extension Challenge:


Can you come up with your own multi-step problem solving question involving either dividing by 3, or multiplying by 3.. or both? Ask someone at home to have a go at working out the answer. Make it as challenging as you can and ensure the question is carefully worded.


Times Tables

Keep practising your times tables on rockstars and numbots.


Friday 13th November 2020



Have a go at these calculations. Remember, when dividing by 10 you move the digits one place to the right and when dividing by 100 you move the digits two places to the right. 


70 ÷ 10

250 ÷ 10

420 ÷ 10

700 ÷ 100

900 ÷ 100

500 ÷ 100



I would like you to come up with your own Haiku poem. Remember, it should consist of three lines, with the first and last sentence having five syllables each and the middle sentence having a total of seven syllables. The theme is: dragons.


Here is an example:



Shining scales like glass.

Crystal multi-shaded hues.​

Like a prism beam.



Write a response to this question: Would you prefer to be an auxiliary solider, or a legionary solider? Try and mention the pros and cons of being in that particular class of soldiers.



Friday 6th November 2020



Have a go at these calculations Year 4. Remember, you move the digits one place to the left when multiplying by 10. 


27 x 10

78 x 10

55 x 10

99 x 10

15 x 10


Extension Challenge!

There are 10 classes each with 25 pupils. Throughout the year, 1 pupil leaves one of the classes to move school and another class adds another 5 pupils who have joined the school. What is the new total number of pupils after these changes?



I would like you to create your own dragon profile just like we have been doing this week in English. However, the dragon does not need to be a fire breathing dragon - you can create your own dragon with other unique, special features. Remember to mention things like: the dragon's roar, teeth, mouth, origin and breed.



For your history homework this week, I would like you to have a go at comparing the Romans with the Celts. What similarities are there between the two armies? What differences are there between the two armies? Split your page down the middle and have 'similarities' on the left hand side, with your 'differences' on the right hand side. 


Mr. Q laugh

Friday 16th October 2020

Hello Year 4, here is this week's homework activities. 



Have a go at these addition and subtraction challenges. Remember, add or subtract two of the numbers first, then add or subtract the third number in the calculation. Double check your answers and use column addition/subtraction.


1. 3654 + 2543 + 1546 = 

2. 1934 + 3649 + 2651 = 

3. 4657 + 2653 + 5764 =

4. 9254 - 1465 - 2546

5. 8736 - 2356 - 1988

6. 9367 - 2655 - 1403



I want you to learn these 5 spellings and practise putting them into varied sentences. Remember, the same word can be used in different contexts. 

separate, special, strange, therefore, thought.




Create your own fact file about the Romans and find out the answers to these 5 questions:

1. Where did the Roman army conquer first?

2. Why did the Romans want to conquer Britain and Ireland?

3. How did the Celts react to their land being taken off them?

4. Who was Queen Boudicca? What did she do for the Celts?

5. Find out what skills and qualities were needed to join the Roman army. 


Times Tables


Carry on practising your times tables using Times Table Rockstars and Numbots. 

Friday 9th October 2020


Bonjour Year 4 here is this week's homework.



Here are the spellings I would like you to focus on learning this week. Can you write a sentence using each spelling? Challenge yourself and look at extending each sentence using more sophisticated vocabulary. 


famous, favourite, February, grammar, guard.



Your task is to make a flyer advertising our pop-up museum we visited this week in class. You can give it your own name and you might want to include some alliteration like 'Bartholomew's British Museum'. Make sure the flyer is engaging for someone to pick up and that it contains lots of persuasive language!



Have a go at these 4-digit subtraction calculations where you will have to do some exchanges.


9675 - 2366 

8968 - 1859

7855 - 2498 

9789 - 2640


Extension challenges

1. Sophie and Larry decided to count up the money in each of their money boxes. Sophie counts £13.98 in hers and Harry counts £23.22 in his. How much more money does Larry have than Sophie?

2. A laptop costs £261.45 before Christmas. It is reduced by £52.89 in the New Year's sale. What is the new price?


Times Tables

Please continue practising your times tables on either Numbots or Times Table Rockstars.


Mr. Q laugh


Friday 2nd October 2020


Hello Year 4. Here is this week's homework I would like you all to do at some point before next Friday please.



On Monday, we will be learning about the Romans and their invasion of Britain. Have a look at this picture and on a piece of paper or in a notebook, I want you to answer this question: 


"What is happening in this picture?"




I would like you to choose 5 common exception words of your choice from the print out I sent home last week and see if you can write a sentence containing each of the words. If you don't have your sheet, here are the spellings I would like you to use: accident, difficult, height, position and recent. 




Times Table Rockstars

Please continue to access Times Table Rockstars and practise your times tables. Our school's postcode is NE12 8FA.


This week you will be focusing on a mixture of times tables ranging from 1 to 12. This is a really good way to practise as multiplication calculations sometimes vary between different times tables. 




Numbots is an online interactive game that will improve your child's mathematical thinking and answering speed. It can be played online or you can download the app on Apple and Android devices. Your child's user name and password is the same as the login used for Times Tables Rockstars. You can access Numbots here using this link:


Initially, I would like you to commence the story mode and get used to using the software. We will commence the different levels and challenges properly next week. 


Have a lovely weekend!


Mr. Q laugh




Friday 25th September 2020



I have attached the Year 3 and 4 common exception words below. Please read the words with an adult and choose 8 of them to learn for homework. I want you to focus on spelling the word correctly but also using the word in a sentence. Why not challenge yourself and see if you can think of any synonyms for each word just like we have been doing in our whole-class reading lessons this week?



This week in maths we have been learning about 4-digit numbers using column addition. Have a go at these calculations where you will have to exchange some ones, tens or hundreds. All you will need is a piece of A4 paper or a notepad to work out the answers.


1. 3655 + 2891         2.  6456 + 1289          3. 6377 + 2144           4. 7388 + 2921


Extension challenges:

What happens the number 4567 if you:

*Add 2000.

*Add 454

*Add 1356. 


Times Table Rockstars:

You all were given your Times Table Rockstars login sheet earlier this week. For homework this week, you will be practising your 3, 5 and 7 times tables.  


Remember, homework must stay at home for now. I will recap on what this homework focuses on next week in class to see how we have all got on with the different activities. 


Mr. Q 



Friday 18th September 2020

Hello Year 4. Here is this week's homework which focuses on what we have been learning this week in maths and English. 


Always double check your calculations in maths (or challenge yourself and have a go at doing the inverse of the calculation) and keep practising your handwriting in English when learning your spellings. If you don't have access to a printer, you can use a notebook or an A4 size sheet of paper to write down your answers or calculations.


Please remember that homework must remain at home for now. I will address any misconceptions and offer whole-class feedback the following week in school. 


Mr. Q laugh
