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Summer 2

Games, games, and more games!

(w/b 24.06.24)

This week, we have been playing many different games to reinforce our learning across Maths and English. 

In Maths, the children are beginning to learn about Place Value in numbers between 50 - 100. We practised counting forwards and backwards, as well as looking at how many tens and ones were in each number. The children then played a game where they had to race to 100 while practising their counting.

In English, we have been learning about plural words and singular words. We looked at how we can make a word plural by adding -s or adding -es if a word ends with ch, sh, ss, x, z or s. To practise our new learning, the children played pairs where they had to amtch singular words with plural words. 

Throughout the different games, everyone tried their best, supported their friends and showed great sportsmanship when either winning or losing. 


Thank you to all the parents who came to cheer on Class 1 at Sports Day. The children had lots of fun taking part in each event and showing off their skills.

Well done everyone!

Victorian Toys

On Wednesday, we brought the museum into the classroom. Despite learning about toys back in the Autumn Term, we were able to take a look at some real-life Victorian Toys from the museum. We began by looking at each and discussing how children might have played with them, what they were made of and how they were different to toys we play with today.

The children then had the chance to get hands on with each of the toys, carefully looking at them before creating their own Mini Museum book full of drawings and facts. 

Colour Mixing


This half term, we have started to look at different artists and how they use colours. Last week we looked at the work of 

Piet Mondrian and his use of primary colours. After having a go at creating our own representations of his work, the children had a go at mixing the primary colours to see which secondary colours they could make. Take a look!


This half term, the children will be learning more about computer safety. We started off by talking about ownership and how anything they create belongs to them. We spoke about the importance of writing our names on our work, so we know which work is ours. On the computers, the children then had a go at creating their own self portrait adding as much detail as possible. We then practised naming, dating and saving our own work. Can you guess who is who?

Summer 1


The children have been working so hard during this half term. We have been writing lots of stories in English, telling the time in Maths and answering lots of questions on all the different things we have been learning about.

As a treat, we all enjoyed a playtime in the Reception playground. The children loved being back in their old yard and had great fun climbing, mixing water and digging for bugs. A great end to a super week!

Grow, grow, grow!


This week we were all very excited as the sunflowers are beginning to grow! After the glorious sunshine we have had, the little seeds have sprouted and are starting to get taller and taller!

Today we took some time looking at our plants and drawing them in our books.

Arty Scientists


Today we took our learning outside. After looking at different trees and their leaves, Year 1 took to the playground to see what they could find. They had a go at sketching 8 different types of leaves, focusing on the size, shapes, patterns and textures of each. We also found some beautiful flowers, blossom and even some creepy crawlies!

Planting Seeds


In Science the children have been learning about plants. We have discussed the different parts of a plant and the very important job each play. We have looked at the difference between garden and wild plants and had a go at sorting different flowers.

Today the children discussed what a plant needs to grow and why. We know that a seed needs to be in nutrient rich soil and get lots of sunlight and water. Everyone had a go at planting their own sunflower seed. Let's hope the sun comes out soon and we might start seeing some grow!

Art Attack


Year 1 have done a lot of work around the book 'The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch'. Today they had a go at blending different water colours together to create a sunset and the ocean. The children looked at a photo on the board and discussed how they could see lots of different colours, such as purple, orange, pink, green and blue, and not just one block of colour. 
They took their time painting their backgrounds and will add some silhouettes next lesson.

In English, the children have been writing instructions using imperative verbs. They have remembered that an imperative verb is needed for a command or instruction and is the bossy verb which tells us what to do. 

After writing the instructions for how to make iced sea biscuits, the children then began planning and designing their own iced sea biscuits, just like the ones in the Lighthouse Keepers Lunch.

They had great fun spending the afternoon decorating their biscuits with icing, marshmallows, chocolate and sprinkles to create their own design. We had beach huts, mermaids, beach balls, lobsters and lighthouses! 

The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch


In English, we have been reading 'The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch'. The children enjoyed talking about the story, discussing their favourite parts and describing the characters - The Seagulls were a favourite!

The story takes place across a week with different things happening on different days. The class were put into groups and given a day of the week from the story. They were challenged to act out the events, with the audience guessing who was playing each character - again, the Seagulls were a favourite!

We had lots of fun!


We will continue to use the story throughout our English lessons for the next few weeks. Next week, we will be looking at instruction writing. 

Spring 2

Guinea Pig Duties


Every Tuesday morning, Year 1 take a turn at looking after Miggy and Gordon. The children help change their water and give them both fresh vegetables to eat. There is also plenty of time for cuddles too!


Year 1 took part in lots of different activities on World Book Day, most to do with the story, 'The Jolly Postman'.

The children started the day by choosing their favourite character from the book and creating their own mask of that character. The children were great at using different paper, pompoms, card and scissors to get creative and bring their characters to life. Class 1 also took part in a quiz as well as getting the chance to do some reading and share their favourite stories with Class 5.

In the afternoon, the children designed their own book cover around the character they were dressed up as using the computers. It was also great to hear the children's super reading throughout the day when they shared the different books they had brought in. It was an exciting, fun filled day and all the children's costumes looked amazing!


This half term, Class 1 will be learning about the events of The Easter Story in RE. We began this learning by looking at the story of Palm Sunday and how people felt when Jesus entered Jerusalem. The class wrote down messages on palm leaves about how they might have felt if they had been in the crowd welcoming Jesus. We then had a go at waving our palm leaves and shouting 'Hosanna!'.

Spring 1



This half term, the children have been using Discovery Coding to make objects move. They have worked their way through different levels and tasks to build their confidence making different objects move, stop, and disappear. They have worked so hard and have developed some impressive mouse and keyboard skills!

What a Windy Week!


In Science, we have been looking at the changing seasons and the weather, which also links to our Geography learning. We had a go at measuring the weather across the week, and we couldn't have chosen a windier week!


Last week the children made their own weather vanes to measure the direction of the wind. This week we put them to the test! We all went to the playground and lined up our weather vanes with North. We then watched as the arrow spun around (quite quickly) and showed that the wind was blowing in the direction of South East.

The Sound of Music


In music, the children have learnt the difference between a minim, crotchet and quaver. They had great fun moving around the space slowly for minim, quicker for crotchet and short quick steps for quaver.

Towers and Castles


This week, the children have been looking at shapes. We started by identifying different 3D shapes and their properties. The children were brilliant at using the key words faces, edges and vertices. To investigate the different properties further, the children were challenged to build a castle with a tower using all of the different 3D shapes. There was great teamwork and the children created some great structures. We then shared our ideas on which 3D shapes were easiest to build with and why, and which were more difficult.

The class then went on to look at different 2D shapes and their properties as well as how these can be sorted into different groups using a Venn Diagram

Autumn 2

Christmas Party Time!


Its party time!

The children had great fun at their Christmas party. They enjoyed playing lots of games including pass the parcel and musical statues. The children have some great dance moves!

After the dancing, the children came back into the classroom and enjoyed party food with their friends while singing along to different Christmas songs. It was lots of fun!

Happy Christmas everyone!

Year 1 have been investigating materials in Science. The children were set a challenge to create an umbrella for a teddy bear. 

To start with, the children tested different materials to find the one which would be the most waterproof and strong. They worked in groups to test paper, metal, fabric and plastic. Once they had chosen their material for their umbrella, the children got to design their own umbrella, thinking about how it could be strong and functional. 

Then the fun part came! Everyone had a go at creating their own umbrella for a teddy. Lots of children chose to use metal or plastic for their material. They were able to strengthen their design using metal and decorate it with fabric and sequins. It was lots of fun!

Cock-a-Doodle Christmas


Key Stage 1 have worked so hard on their Christmas Play 'Cock-a-Doodle Christmas! They all performed brilliantly and sang beautifully. 

Well done Class 1 and 2! You should all feel very proud of yourselves!



Year 1 have been working hard in Computing. They show real confidence when logging on to the computers and can find different programs. This half term we have been using 2Paint-a-Picture to develop our mouse control and keyboard skills. The children have created lots of fantastic pictures including fireworks, their favourite toy linking to History and different characters from the Nativity story linking to their learning in RE. Look at some of their fantastic work.


Today we looked at some toys at our table. We took it in turns building, playing and moving each. We then came together and discussed the different ways we make toys and different objects move. We can push, pull, twist and turn different objects to make them move.


Autumn 1

Sight Test

Continuing our investigation into our senses, we put our sense of sight to the test. To start, we had 30 seconds to build a tall tower of cubes as quickly as we could. As we could see what we were doing, we were able to do this easily, making towers of 15 to 20 cubes tall! Then we had another go, this time without our sense of sight. We found this a lot harder as it was very fiddly trying to put the cubes together. Our towers were a lot small, many only being 5 to 8 cubes high. It was lots of fun!

Library Bus

Today the Library bus came! The children all got the chance to choose a book to take home and keep for a few weeks. There were lots to choose from. Once everyone had taken their book, we all came back to the classroom and spent some time reading and chatting about the books we had chosen. 

Taste Test!


We have been exploring our senses in science. Today we had a go at tasting different foods and writing down what they tasted like. We tried olives, lemon, mint leaves, gherkin and chocolate. We then discussed which our favourite and least favourite was explaining why. I wonder which one was the favourite to try..?


In Maths we have been looking at part part whole models. We know that the two parts equal the whole. Today, we practised making different models using 5 bean bags. We took it in turns to throw the bean bags - one part being the bean bags inside the hoop and the other part being the bean bags outside of the hoop. We know the whole was always going to be 5!

Hearing Test!


In Science we have been learning about our five senses and today we put our hearing to the test. The children had to listen to 12 different sounds and write down what they thought was making that sound - Some were trickier than others. The children had great fun laughing at some of the silly sounds.

Road Safety


Today we had an exciting assembly on Road Safety. The children learnt the importance of stopping, looking, listening and thinking before crossing any roads and why it is important to stay near a grown up when out walking or scooting. We all took part in learning a song to help us remember what we had learnt - Can you remember it?


Stop, look, listen and think before you cross the road.

Stop, look, listen and think before you cross the road.

Use your eyes and your ears, before you use your toes.

Stop, look, listen and think before you cross the road!

Maths Games


Today the children played a Maths game. They practised adding one more to a given number and had to see how many counters they could add to the board. The children played confidently and took turns rolling the dice. Everyone showed great maths skills and turn taking.

Louis Braille


We have started to learn about Louis Braille in our history lessons. The children had a go at creating a portrait of him by carefully outlining his features before painting over their sketch. 

Football Skills

(21.9.23)The children got the opportunity to practise their football skills. They showed great teamwork and listening skills as they had a go at controlling the ball during different games. They were brilliant and had lots of fun in the sun!



We have been learning about forgiveness in RE. In groups, the children were given different situations which they had to act out, thinking about how conflict can be resolved. Children were AMAZING at acting and working together. They used their facial expressions and body language to show different emotions. Well done class 1!

The Human Body


In Science, we have started learning about parts of the human body. The children had great fun drawing around each other and then adding on labels for all of our different parts. We then spoke about what each part of our body does, focusing on our senses. It was lots of fun!

Year 1 have made a FANTASTIC start to the year. They have settled into the new routines quickly and have enjoyed playing with their friends after a long summer break.

To launch the new Spanish curriculum, the children spent some time learning about Spain before having a go at learning some new Spanish words. They were able to count in Spanish from 1 – 10 and are beginning to pick up the different words for the colours. While learning these new words for all of the colours, the children got messy creating rainbows to decorate the classroom.

Count to 10 in English and Spanish!

Have a practise counting in Spanish at home!
