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Spring term arrangements

Dear families and friends,
The spring term begins for all children on Tuesday 5th January.


As you will know, a new variant of the Covid virus is spreading quickly across the country. This new virus, whilst very similar to the main virus that we have been dealing with, appears to different in the ways it can more easily spread.
Whilst we await more data and guidance, it is clear that we must do all we can to prevent the spread of all viruses, especially at this time of year. To do this, we all must continue to wash our hands more regularly, keep our distance and wear a face covering when near those not in our household or support bubble.
Therefore, we are asking all visitors in school, including those who drop off and pick up the children, to wear a face covering whilst on the playground.
This does not include the children, as we would not ask them to wear a face covering.
Can we also underline the importance of keeping at least 2m apart, even whilst your face is covered. Extra markings will be painted on the path to help Early Years families maintain their distance. 
Even though many of us have already been wearing a covering on site, please would you explain this to the children, so that they are not put off by not seeing adult faces. 
Staff will not be wearing face coverings when working with the children, although they may see adults wearing them when in and around school - as they did during the autumn term.
We hope that you understand and support this decision. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mr Restall or Mrs Whitaker directly.
The St Bart's Team